The New Haven Free Public Library will host visits from the UniteCT Mobile Bus during June at the Ives Main Library, the Wilson Branch Library, Fair Haven Branch Library, and the Valley Street Community Center in collaboration with the Connecticut Department of Housing, the Urban League of Southern Connecticut, New Haven Homeownership Center, United Way, and Livable City Initiative CASTLE. The UniteCT Mobile Bus provides onsite assistance to those applying for rental assistance for the UniteCT program.
Dates of UniteCT Mobile Bus Visits:
Thursday, June 3, 10 am-3 pm | Wilson Library
Monday, June 14, 10 am-3 pm | Valley Street Community Center
Tuesday, June 15, 10 am-3 pm | Ives Main Library
Wednesday, June 30, 1-4 pm | Fair Haven Library
UniteCT is a state program to provide rental and utility assistance to qualified Connecticut households financially impacted by COVID-19. This program may provide up to $10,000 in rental assistance and up to $1,500 in electric utility arrearage payments to landlords and utility companies on behalf of approved tenants. Tenants and landlords will be able to complete and track applications online from any computer or smartphone. For information on eligibility, necessary documentation to apply, and instructions on how to apply visit the UniteCT website for more information.