Hotspots & Chromebooks
Chromebooks and free, mobile internet hotspots are now available for you to use anywhere, anytime! Each Wi-Fi hotspot can connect to 3-5 devices at a time. Both hotspots and Chromebooks are available to adults with an active library card for 3-week checkout periods. All Chromebooks and hotspots must be returned to Circulation Desks at the location where they were checked out from and cannot be left in any of our book drops. You must provide a valid ID in order to check out a Hotspot or Chromebook. For more information, call your nearest location.
Board Games

Board Games appropriate for a variety of ages are available for in-library use at the branches and Ives Main’s Teen Center. From classics to modern games, there is something for everyone.
Book Packs & LaunchPads
Book Packs and LaunchPads are available for check out from the Children’s Room of the Ives Main Library. Book Packs may be checked out with an adult, teen, or child card, and up to three items of this type may be checked out at one time. LaunchPads may be checked out on an adult or teacher card, and only one item may be checked out per card at one time. All Book Packs and LaunchPads must be returned directly to the Children’s Room and cannot be left in any of our book drops. Click here for a listing of available items.
Cake Pans
Cake Pans are available near the magazine collection for check out at the Ives Main Library. Each pan can be checked out for three weeks and renewed once for one additional week. Pans must be hand-washed before being returned and cannot be left in any of our book drops. Most pans use one box of cake mix or a single batch of a standard cake recipe. We have many popular characters, holiday styles, and everyday pans. Click here for a full listing.
Seed Libraries

Seed libraries are a resource for anyone looking to grow their own vegetables, herbs or flowers. They both offer & accept free seeds to share with the community. In addition to seeds, they can provide you with information & connect you to resources to help you in your gardening journey!
Visit the NHFPL Wilson Branch at 303 Washington Ave. or call them at 203-946-2228 for more information. To view a full brochure, click here.
Visit the NHFPL Mitchell Branch at 37 Harrison St. or call them at 203-946-8117 for more information. To view a full brochure, click here.
Visit the NHFPL Fair Haven Branch at 182 Grand Ave or call them at 203-946-8115 for more information. To view a full brochure, click here.
Musical Instruments

The Wilson Branch Music Library is a free resource for anyone looking to try or learn a new instrument in a welcoming environment. In addition to instruments, there are books, community resources and recording software to help you in your journey. Instruments are only for use within the library.
They offer weekly open hours on Wednesdays at 5 pm and lessons by appointment. Visit the NHFPL Wilson Branch at 303 Washington Ave. or call them at 203-946-2228 for more information. To view a full brochure, click here.
Early Literacy Kits

Early Literacy Kits are available to borrow from the Children’s Room in the Ives Main Library. The kits can be found in the Early Literacy Center, located in the far corner of the Children’s Room, just past the Program Room where story times are held. The following kits are currently available:

Library of Things

Visit Ives Squared to explore our new Library of Things! From everyday items to specialized tools, the Library of Things is sure to have something you need.