Vaccine Clinic Updates
Need your Covid vaccine or booster? Come to the library! The Griffin Health vaccine clinic at Ives is in full swing. Vaccines are available from 10 am – 4 pm in the Ives branch’s Think Tank room on the lower level at 133 Elm Street. It’s important to note that while ages 5+ are currently … Continued

NHFPL Expands Opening to Include Short Browsing Visits and Technology Appointments
On Monday, March 29, the New Haven Free Public Library will expand the opening of its doors with limited hours for technology use and short browsing visits by appointment and on a walk-in basis as capacity allows. Need to make an appointment? Call any of our locations to pick a time that works for you! … Continued

Need a computer or free wifi? We can help! Chromebooks and wifi hotspots are now available for checkout.
Free, computer use and mobile internet anytime, anywhere with wifi hotspots and Chromebook lending. Call your nearest location for availability. Chromebooks and hotspots are available to adult New Haven card holders for checkout up to 3 weeks. ¡Ahora puede pedir prestados Hotspot WiFi y Chromebooks en todas las sucursales de NHFPL! Llame a la biblioteca … Continued