It’s that season when many begin their annual pilgrimage to local (and distant) beaches and attempt to achieve that summer glow! What better way to entertain yourself while working on that tan than with a new summer beach read?
Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld
- A New York Times bestselling book
- A Reese’s Book Club pick
- A great pick for someone who
- wants a realistic romantic comedy
- likes the idea of a normal girl falling for a famous guy
- loves SNL and other sketch comedies
Happy Place by Emily Henry
- A New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author
- A great pick for someone who
- enjoys a past and present timeline
- likes ‘second chance’ tropes
- prefers witty banter

The Five-Star Weekend by Elin Hilderbrand
- A New York Times bestselling author
- A great pick for someone who
- enjoys books told from multiple perspectives
- wants a quick read
- likes a true summer story
The Celebrants by Steven Rowley
- A great pick for someone who
- likes stories about the power of friendship
- enjoys books that span a long period of time
- prefers stories about found families

Did You Hear About Kitty Karr? by Crystal Smith Paul
- A Reese’s Book Club pick
- A great pick for someone who
- enjoys multigenerational sagas
- has an interest in old hollywood
- enjoyed “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo”
Hula by Jasmin ‘Iolani Hakes
- A debut novel
- A great pick for someone who
- wants a story about mothers and daughters
- is interested in learning more about Hawai’i and it’s recent history
- likes books with insider vs. outsider tropes
- wants to read an ‘own voices’ novel

All That is Sacred by Donna Norman-Carbone
- A debut novel
- A local author
- A great pick for someone who
- likes women’s lit
- wants a story told from the afterlife
- wants a book with rich character development
Whether you choose one of these titles or are looking for something a little different, you can always find something great to read at the NHFPL! Search for your perfect summer beach read now! If you need a recommendation, ask at your local branch!