Ives Squared Happenings
March Programming for Exchange and Tinker Lab

March Happenings – Novedades de Marzo
View March Happenings in English and Spanish

Ives Squared Happenings
February Programming for Exchange and Tinker Lab

February Happenings / Novedades de Febrero
View February Happenings in English and Spanish

Introducing Make to Sell’s first cohort finishers!
The first Make to Sell cohort has ended, and the NHFPL is pleased to introduce you to some of the new businesses that came out of this endeavor. Many of these individuals participated in our Holiday Bazaar that was featured in the Arts Paper! The NHFPL is so proud of these hardworking individuals, and we … Continued

View January Happenings in English and Spanish

December Happenings / Novedades de Diciembre
View December Happenings in English and Spanish

Live Coding Comes to the NHFPL
The Audiovisual Coding series, led by local composer/programmer Carl Testa, will continue with the next installment on December 6th.

November Happenings / Novedades de Noviembre
View November Happenings in English and Spanish

New machine in Ives Squared!
This week, Ives Squared at the Ives Main Library debuted its brand new Brother PE800 embroidery machine! Over the course of 2 days, a number of patrons joined us to learn how to use this awesome piece of equipment! The embroidery machine is user-friendly and even comes pre-programmed with a number of embroidery patterns! While … Continued