Submission Deadline: July 30, 2022
Ives Squared and the New Haven Free Public Library (an anchor institution of the New Haven Innovation Collaborative) are seeking applications for two, four-month, in-residence opportunities starting September 2022 in Ives Squared, the Main Ives Library’s innovation commons
Information about these appointments – including guidelines and application forms – is available through the library website at http://nhfpl.org/programs/ives-squared/cir-eir/.

Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR). The EIR embodies the spirit of innovation and the transference of practical
information regarding entrepreneurship at early stages. Working collaboratively with CIR and library staff, the
EIR will share their skills through workshops and one-on-one mentoring. Individuals who have experience with
the following are strongly encouraged to apply: online sales platforms such as Etsy, Shopify, and eBay; marketing and social media; business planning; and obtaining startup funding.
Creative-in-Residence (CIR). The CIR helps connect library users to local creative opportunities, artists, and
makers and the larger creative entrepreneurship circles within the New Haven community. Working
collaboratively with EIR and library staff, the CIR will share their skills in product development and creative
planning in workshops and one-on-one mentoring. Individuals with experience in (but not limited to) photography, website
development, graphic design, social media platforms, marketing, experience with makerspace equipment, and
general business acumen are encouraged to apply.
Applications are due by midnight on July 30, 2022. Residencies run from September 1, through December 31, 2022.