Service hours will be adjusted at some locations from Monday, 3/3, through Wednesday, 3/5, in preparation for our Mardi Gras Fundraiser. Please check our Service Updates page or social media for more information.

Library Doors Swing Back Open

Our friends at the New Haven Independent wrote a great piece about our re-opening. Public Service Administrators Susan Totter and Sharon Lovett-Graff spoke to the Independent about the library’s re-opening (at limited capacity), our plans to keep patrons, and our excitement to see your faces in person again! Check it out here. Image Credit: New … Continued

Mardi Gras 2021 logo

Thank you for celebrating Mardi Gras with NHFPL!

Thanks to your enthusiasm and generosity, we raised over $50,000 to support the Library’s collections, programs, and services year-round! We were thrilled to welcome beloved poets Toi Derricotte, Cornelius Eady, and Reginald Dwayne Betts for an engaging and thoughtful conversation; honor Elsie B. Chapman for her dedication to the Library; and celebrate the more than … Continued

New Haven Free Public Library celebrates Mardi Gras

The Yale Daily News wrote a recap of our annual Mardi Gras celebration. The fundraiser moved online this year but was still just as fun as years past. Read about the festivities here.

Library Reinvents Mardi Gras Tradition

Our friends at the New Haven Independent wrote a great summary of the action at our annual Mardi Gras celebration. Mardi Gras moved online this year due to the pandemic. Thasbisa performed some musical selections.