Introducing Make to Sell’s first cohort finishers!
The first Make to Sell cohort has ended, and the NHFPL is pleased to introduce you to some of the new businesses that came out of this endeavor. Many of these individuals participated in our Holiday Bazaar that was featured in the Arts Paper! The NHFPL is so proud of these hardworking individuals, and we … Continued

Call For Applications: Make to Sell Spring 2022
Apply today!

Ives Squared Happenings
January Programming for Exchange and Tinker Lab

View January Happenings in English and Spanish

Armchair Travel is Easy with Your Library Card
by Tristan Evarts, Librarian at the Mitchell Branch “To travel is to set the soul free” While travel is still off the table for many, there’s an easy way to see the world from the comfort of a cozy armchair. While the art of armchair travel may not fully replace the wonder of strolling down … Continued

December Happenings / Novedades de Diciembre
View December Happenings in English and Spanish

Live Coding Comes to the NHFPL
The Audiovisual Coding series, led by local composer/programmer Carl Testa, will continue with the next installment on December 6th.

November Happenings / Novedades de Noviembre
View November Happenings in English and Spanish

NHFPL Reading Room @ KNOWN
The New Haven Free Public Library is thrilled to continue to grow its partnership with KNOWN Coworking (139 Orange St, 4th floor) by announcing its Reading Room at KNOWN. This reading room is designed to share a sampling of books held in NHFPL’s Ives Squared with the entrepreneurs using the KNOWN coworking space, without them needing to come to the library in person! Every month, the NHFPL … Continued

October Happenings / Novedades de Octubre
View October Happenings in English and Spanish