by Amanda Breeden, Adult Services Librarian at the Ives Main Library | Originally published April 1, 2024

April is National Poetry Month! National Poetry Month aims to increase people’s immersion in and appreciation for poetry. Stop by the Ives Branch this National Poetry Month to begin or continue your love and appreciation for poetry!
Not sure where to start? Here are some staff favorites:
More ways to get involved, provided by the Academy of American Poets:
Poem-a-Day: delivers one poem each day to your email inbox.
Dear Poet Project: a multimedia education project that invites young people in grades five through twelve to write letters in response to poems written and read by award-winning poets.
Poem in Your Pocket Day: select a poem and carry it with you all day. Share it with others throughout the day at the library, school, bookstores, parks, work, and social media with the hashtag #PocketPoem. Poem in Your Pocket Day is April 18th this year.
Attend a National Poetry Month program.