History & Social Studies
Library Databases (library card required)
Interested in checking out more primary sources about New Haven History? then check out the Local History Room located at Ives Main and please call 203.946.8130 to make an appointment to meet with the librarian to search the collection.

TrueFlix is an online resource for kids in grades 3 and up that brings books to life. It features electronic versions of Scholastic’s award-winning True Books series paired with topical videos, project ideas, age-appropriate web links, and interactive educational games. Click here to access from home.

TOPICsearch is a current events database that allows researchers to explore social, political & economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics discussed in today’s classrooms including controversial opinions and viewpoints.

History Reference Center features full text for more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books, as well as full text for more than 150 leading history periodicals, and nearly 57,000 historical documents; more than 77,000 biographies of historical figures; more than 113,000 historical photos and maps; and more than 80 hours of historical video. Search based on your reading level.

Daily Life Through History features the day-to-day lives of average people and places, past and present. Covers food and cooking, holidays, festivals, clothing, housing, religion, music, family life, women’s history. Also includes information on the 50 states. Browse by time period, region or subject. For middle school and older.

Whether you’re searching for historical information on slavery or want to know about Will Smith, African American Experience is your source! With slave narratives, music, articles, photos, maps and other documents, the black experience from African origins to the present is brought to life. For middle school and older.

The Latino American Experience is a full-text, multimedia database with both English and Spanish content focusing on individuals of Hispanic origins living in the Americas from pre-Columbian times until the present day. The database contains books, images, primary documents, and links to select Web sites. For middle school and older.

The American Indian Experience offers access to an online library featuring more than 150 volumes of reference content, hundreds of primary documents and thousands of images, including treaties, speeches, traditional tales, and a wealth of maps and photographs. For middle school and older.
Free Online Resources
The Zinn Project provides great information for students researching social and climate justice issues over the course of American history.
The Interactive Constitution from the National Constitution Center allows you to learn about the text, history, and meaning of the U.S. Constitution from leading scholars of diverse legal and philosophical perspectives.
Using trusted resources from PBS, NPR and local public media stations, Thinkalong helps students think critically about media, develop informed opinions, and practice respectful, civil discourse.
All sorts of learning here if you dig in to discover the Earth and a whole lot more! Add your own photos and make maps of places you have been. Check out Voyager to learn more fun facts from Google Earth.
ProjectExplorer – videos & lessons to inspire global citizens offers free and beautiful videos from around the world from grade 3-12.
OER Project allows users to watch high quality videos, interact with fantastic information and study in an informal learning environment.
iCivics | Free Lesson Plans and Games for Learning Civics allows youth to learn more about their rights, civic engagement and the US government through games and interesting history lessons.
Do you have questions related to current events and politics? Get informed with BallotPedia, and get to know what is on your ballot.
Facing History and Ourselves is a social justice oriented learning platform that engages teens on many topics, including current events.
CountryReports: Countries of the World offers information about countries around the world and allows students to compare specific demographic information of two countries at once.
Academy 4SC teaches students about the importance of civic engagement while also instructing on basic psychology and other social studies subjects through cute and informative videos.
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation Immigrant Stories Curriculum with insightful videos and worksheets about immigrant experiences.
C-SPAN Classroom offers high quality current event videos along with lesson plans for teachers and students learning about history in context.