English & Language Arts
Library Databases (library card required)

Academic Search Premier contains valuable peer-reviewed full text journals. Topics include; computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies, and many more.
Free Online Resources
Writing help made easy with Purdue OWL. This wonderful resource provides great tips, writing help, and best of all citation help!
Need some inspiration? Story starters for novelists, screenwriters, teachers, short story writers, and more randomly generates 356,300,262,144 story starters.
National Novel Writing Month website to build community and share writing with other youth, while also accessing encouraging videos and following great resources.
Classroom Cereal offers great (and funny) worksheets to help students practice English grammar skills.
ReadWorks.org is an online resource to boost your reading skills through reading passages and lesson plans for students of all levels.