NHFPL Takes On Fractured Fairy Tales
We love this great New Haven Independent article about Mitchell Branch’s Animation Celebration! program. Haley Grunloh’s been facilitating this recurring event since last May and it’s grown to one of NHFPL’s most popular online events! Check out our online events calendar if you’re interested in the next Animation Celebration! (or any of our other virtual … Continued

Books Sandwiched In: New Haven Librarians on Programming During the Pandemic
The Yale Herald chatted with our own Rory Martorana and Isaac Shub about Books Sandwiched In, Adult Services’ virtual author talk series. Want to learn about the program’s legacy here, it’s impact, and what’s on the horizon for April? Check it out on the Yale Herald website! Image Credit: Kapp Singer and Robert Samec, Yale … Continued

Daily Nutmeg Features Books Sandwiched In
The Daily Nutmeg featured our Books Sandwiched In author talk series in the newest “This Week in New Haven”.

Reform Or Revolution? Rosa Luxemburg’s Biographer Revisits Question With Library Crowd
In a special Friday edition of Books Sandwiched In titled “Remembering Rosa: Rosa Luxemburg and a Century of World-Changing Women”, biographer Dana Mills Zoom-ed in all the way from Tel Aviv to discuss the life and legacy of Rosa with Ives Reference Librarian Rory Martorana. Missed it? Our friend Allison Hadley at the New Haven … Continued