From Dreams to Reality: Getting Creative at NHFPL
by Connor Kennedy – Part-Time Librarian at Ives Main Library Hey there NHFPL Community! As you may know, the library provides even more than your next fun read, engaging and thought-provoking programming, or a gateway to what seems like never-ending information via the internet. We also offer a hub where creative minds could work to … Continued

New machine in Ives Squared!
This week, Ives Squared at the Ives Main Library debuted its brand new Brother PE800 embroidery machine! Over the course of 2 days, a number of patrons joined us to learn how to use this awesome piece of equipment! The embroidery machine is user-friendly and even comes pre-programmed with a number of embroidery patterns! While … Continued

In case you missed it…
Check out some of the awesome building projects patrons made in the Ives Squared Tinker Lab with our Keva Planks! Something new is put out every 2 weeks for drop-in activities. August 16-August 27 will be our Button Makers!

Creatives Nadine Nelson and Esther Tseng Talk About The Future Of Food
New Haven loves its food — growing it, foraging for it, cooking it, eating it. And that is exactly what NHFPL Ives Squared Creative-in-Residence Nadine Nelson and her guest, Esther Tseng, discussed on this week’s Co-Create program. From the influence of indigenous cultures on the food we eat today to the future of food and … Continued