September is Update Your Resume Month!
By: Erin Witt, Adult Services Librarian | Ives Main Library Whether you are an active job seeker or casually looking for a different opportunity, take some time this September to update your resume! Taking a look with fresh eyes can give you a new perspective on what your resume needs to shine. Find ways to … Continued

Now Visit the Ives Main Library Tech Center by Appointment
Sessions are currently offered during these times: 10:00- 11:30 am 1:00 – 2:30 pm 3:00 – 4:30pm Call 203-946-8130 x 101 to schedule an appointment. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before in advance in order to use the full 90 minutes of your session. These areas are open to individuals 13 and older. Walk-ins are welcome when capacity allows. Guidelines … Continued