Access Reliable and Up-To-Date Data and Statistics with Statista!
Statista is a leading provider of market and consumer data, offering users access to a vast collection of statistics and reports across various industries. Statista is the go-to source for businesses, governments, academics, and other entities that rely on accurate, reliable data to make informed decisions. Statista organizes its data into three main categories: data … Continued
Ives Squared Happenings
April Programming for Exchange and Tinker Lab
Ives Squared Happenings
March Programming for Exchange and Tinker Lab
Create a plan for starting or managing your business or nonprofit with Gale Business: Plan Builder!
About Gale Business: Plan Builder Are you in the beginning stages of your business or nonprofit or looking to fine-tune your business plan and scope? Then, Gale Business: Plan Builder is the perfect resource for you! Whether you’re a for-profit or non-profit entity, Gale has premade, fill-in templates that are specifically tailored to help you … Continued
Ives Squared Happenings
February Programming for Exchange and Tinker Lab
Meet the new Business & Nonprofit Librarian!
Ives Squared is happy to introduce our new business and nonprofit librarian, Alexandria Robison! Alexandria is excited to be joining the Ives Squared team, as her belief that libraries provide a vital epicenter for community connection aligns so closely with the space! Alexandria received her Master of Library and Information Science from the University of … Continued
Ives Squared Happenings
January Programming for Exchange and Tinker Lab
Ives Squared Happenings
December Programming for Exchange and Tinker Lab
Expand Your Skills and Knowledge with LinkedIn Learning
Check out LinkedIn Learning!
Did You Know…?
Did you know that Ives Squared has a YouTube Channel? You can find reruns of programs, demonstrations for previous take and make kits, database walkthroughs, and more-all on demand! And we are always looking for ideas for new videos. You can start your search here, or by typing “Ives Squared” into the YouTube search bar … Continued