What is fanfiction and is it worth reading?

By Rose Simpson, Community Technology Librarian Maybe you’ve been in a situation like this before: you just finished a popular young adult novel and you want to read more books like it, but you’ve already read all the similar books the librarians recommend. Or perhaps your favorite series just finished and you’re so excited about … Continued

photo of travel destinations hang on a wire above a beach scene with umbrellas on the sand - text says Armchair travel with your library card!

Armchair Travel is Easy with Your Library Card

by Tristan Evarts, Librarian at the Mitchell Branch “To travel is to set the soul free” While travel is still off the table for many, there’s an easy way to see the world from the comfort of a cozy armchair. While the art of armchair travel may not fully replace the wonder of strolling down … Continued

NHFPL Launches Book Club Kits!

Part of a book club or looking to start one? NHFPL now offers Book Club Kits at the Ives Main Library. Kits contain everything you need to host a great book discussion – 8-10 copies of a title, author bio, reader’s guide, tips for hosting and discussion questions! Borrow one today and keep it for … Continued

Season’s Readings with What to Read Next

Just not sure what to read or have you ever wondered what your friends at the library are reading? Bookworms around town checked in with Daily Nutmeg’s Kathy Leonard Czepiel in this article in which local readers were asked what they are reading right now. Naturally, she hopped into our new weekly virtual chat, What … Continued