Libby by Overdrive (audiobooks & ebooks): Choose from our ever-growing collection of downloadable audiobooks and ebooks! Simply download software to your computer (or the Libby app to your smartphone), browse, checkout, and download with your New Haven Free Public Library card!
Borrowing from Overdrive/Libby
- 5 items checked out at any given time
- 3 Holds
- 21-day loan period

Kanopy: online movie streaming
Stream a variety of feature films, documentaries, and educational videos from Criterion Collection, First Run Features, PBS, Great Courses, and more!
Borrowing from Kanopy
- 21 play credits per month, which can be used to borrow items on Kanopy’s new ticket system
- 3-day loan period

Hoopla allows you to borrow movies, videos, music, and audiobooks straight from your browser, tablet, or smartphone! Click here to sign up and access with your NHFPL library card.
Borrowing from Hoopla
- 5 items checked out per month
- 21-day loan period

FREADING is a brand new way to enjoy e-books from the New Haven Free Public Library. With Freading, you’ll find thousands of ebooks from every genre, and you can explore them all without ever waiting on a hold or worrying about late fees. Read on your computer or take the book with you on a compatible eReader, smartphone, or tablet!
To get started, check out this Freading FAQ, or access the collection here.
Click here for the latest Freading Newsletter.
Borrowing from FREADING
- 6 tokens per week, available to trade for reading materials
- Unused tokens roll over each week for a 4-week period, before starting a new monthly cycle
- 21-day loan period

eGO via the Palace Project app: eGO is the Connecticut State Library’s statewide library eBook platform, currently being rolled out to libraries. Access your favorite books all in one convenient place.
Borrowing from The Palace Project
Please note that because the Palace Project is a conglomerate of different systems, different borrowing rules may apply depending on the title:
- Baker & Taylor Axis360:
- 3 checkouts
- 5 holds
- 21-day loan period
- Palace Marketplace:
- unlimited checkouts
- unlimited holds
- 21-day loan period
- Palace Open Bookshelf:
- unlimited checkouts
- Holds not available
- loan period never expires since they are open materials.
- Our Overdrive collection:
- 5 items checked out at any given time
- 3 Holds
- 21-day loan period
You can see which collection a title is from by clicking on the book cover to open the title details. Under the Information section, you will see “Distributed by:”. This field will tell you if the title is from OverDrive, Palace Marketplace, Axis360, etc.