Did You Know…?
Did you know that Ives Squared has a YouTube Channel? You can find reruns of programs, demonstrations for previous take and make kits, database walkthroughs, and more-all on demand! And we are always looking for ideas for new videos. You can start your search here, or by typing “Ives Squared” into the YouTube search bar … Continued

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!
by Connor Kennedy, Adult Services Librarian, Ives Main Branch With National Library Card Sign Up Month occurring this September, you may find yourself wondering (if you don’t already have one), why should you get a library card? Well, I am here to tell you why you should have one, and just how easy it can be … Continued

NHFPL is partnering with the Pride Center to celebrate PRIDE New Haven with the community
PRIDE New Haven is an 8-day festival celebrating the culture, art, and history of New Haven and Connecticut’s LGBTQ+ community. Attend film screenings and social events, make creative projects, and more at NHFPL the week of September 11-18. Don’t forget to visit our booth at PRIDEfest, which takes place Saturday, September 17 on the New … Continued

YEP! x Ives Squared Day of Entrepreneurship
At the end of April, Ives Squared was thrilled to be able to host the first YEP! Day of Entrepreneurship. YEP (Young Entrepreneurs Program) started at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. It is completely free, and each cohort consists of a multi-week intensive program that helps introduce high school-aged students to entrepreneurship. Recently, students … Continued

Goodreads vs. The Storygraph
Goodreads and The Storygraph are both tools to track reading. Which one is right for you?

NHFPL Partners with Arts and Ideas to explore Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower
Take a deeper dive into the timely themes of the the citywide One City. One Read selection. Explore topics such as climate change, poverty, Afrofuturism, and more with our micro branches and events. Today, Parable of the Sower is heralded as one of the first major works of climate fiction. It was the winner of … Continued

What is fanfiction and is it worth reading?
By Rose Simpson, Community Technology Librarian Maybe you’ve been in a situation like this before: you just finished a popular young adult novel and you want to read more books like it, but you’ve already read all the similar books the librarians recommend. Or perhaps your favorite series just finished and you’re so excited about … Continued

Live Coding Comes to the NHFPL
The Audiovisual Coding series, led by local composer/programmer Carl Testa, will continue with the next installment on December 6th.

In case you missed it…
Check out some of the awesome building projects patrons made in the Ives Squared Tinker Lab with our Keva Planks! Something new is put out every 2 weeks for drop-in activities. August 16-August 27 will be our Button Makers!

June Happenings / Novedades de Junio
View this month’s Happenings in English and Spanish