Celebrating Black Actors from the Golden Age of Cinema
As we enter further into the 21st century, actors who lit up screens during cinema’s Golden Age transition from living legends into legends of time gone by.

The Results are in for the 2022 Goodreads Choice Awards
by Jennifer Gargiulo, Manager, Ives Squared It’s that time of year again, where Goodreads bombards it’s users with requests to vote on the Goodreads Choice Awards. Now, I’m all for book awards…I have even participated in and chaired awards committees. So while I’m not super fond of the way this particular award is selected, in … Continued

Lessons on Social Commentary and Censorship From Russian Literary Classics
Written by Julia Chamberlain In March of 2022, the University of Milano-Bicocca canceled a planned course in Russian literature as an act of protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Although the university quickly reversed its decision, the debate alone points to a disquieting comfort with censorship. No one can doubt the sincerity of the … Continued

What is fanfiction and is it worth reading?
By Rose Simpson, Community Technology Librarian Maybe you’ve been in a situation like this before: you just finished a popular young adult novel and you want to read more books like it, but you’ve already read all the similar books the librarians recommend. Or perhaps your favorite series just finished and you’re so excited about … Continued

Armchair Travel is Easy with Your Library Card
by Tristan Evarts, Librarian at the Mitchell Branch “To travel is to set the soul free” While travel is still off the table for many, there’s an easy way to see the world from the comfort of a cozy armchair. While the art of armchair travel may not fully replace the wonder of strolling down … Continued

NHFPL Reading Room @ KNOWN
The New Haven Free Public Library is thrilled to continue to grow its partnership with KNOWN Coworking (139 Orange St, 4th floor) by announcing its Reading Room at KNOWN. This reading room is designed to share a sampling of books held in NHFPL’s Ives Squared with the entrepreneurs using the KNOWN coworking space, without them needing to come to the library in person! Every month, the NHFPL … Continued

Staff Share Their Favorite Banned Books
It is one of our favorite times of year in libraryland – Banned Books Week (September 26 – October 2)! This upcoming week we celebrate the right to read and talk about the importance of taking a stand against censorship. To kick off the week, we are sharing some reviews from NHFPL staff members on … Continued

New Haven PRIDE Celebrates Reading with New Haven Free Public Library!
Looking for a great read? Our amazing partners at the New Haven Pride Center have shared their top book recommendations! Check out this great list below and don’t forget that you can access these titles and place holds for convenient pickup at any of our locations through your account. And don’t forget to mark your … Continued

NHFPL Launches Book Club Kits!
Part of a book club or looking to start one? NHFPL now offers Book Club Kits at the Ives Main Library. Kits contain everything you need to host a great book discussion – 8-10 copies of a title, author bio, reader’s guide, tips for hosting and discussion questions! Borrow one today and keep it for … Continued