Technology Training
NHFPL is committed to supporting a tech-savvy New Haven.
Computer Classes

We offer FREE beginner-level computer classes to the public at the Ives Main Library. Classes are located in our lower level computer classroom inside the Technology Center. Current courses include:
- Mouse and Keyboard: Learn the basics of operating a mouse and get an introduction to the functions of the keyboard. This class for beginners and requires no computer experience.
- Windows Operating System: This class covers the basics of the Windows desktop and provides an introduction to finding programs, folders, and files, and manipulating Windows for enhanced effectiveness.
Please sign up for our monthly Happenings newsletter for more information on scheduled classes.
One-on-One Assistance, Resume Help, Job Applications, and More
Need specialized assistance? We can help! If you have a question or need support that may extend beyond 15 minutes, please fill out the form below to request time to come in and meet with our library staff one-to-one.
We can help with: technology support, resumes, job applications, online applications, and other topics by request. We will help you to the best of our ability and help you find additional resources as well.
While we are able to make referrals to a qualified professional, we are unable to provide legal or medical advice. For your own privacy, we cannot handle sensitive personal information unless you are physically present and have provided consent.

Schedule an appointment with a Librarian.
For more information on job application assistance and resume help, please visit our Jobseekers page.
If you are interested in volunteering to teach computer classes and/or 1-on-1 computer help, please reach out to our Ives Main Library Reference Manager, Seth Godfrey at [email protected] or by calling 203-946-8130, ext. 212