The library offers an array of job services that meet the comprehensive needs of those seeking employment and career development. Key features include providing a wide collection of online and print job resources, resume development, job announcements/notices, and avenues to connect jobseekers with area job-hiring agencies. Library staff will provide job-seeking assistance, guidance, and referrals to area agencies to fulfill jobseeker requests.
Job Services
At the Library
Resume Development
Need help with your resume? We’re here for you! Click the link below to book an appointment to come in and meet with our library staff one-to-one. Please bring a physical or electronic copy of your resume for review or bring notes on your work history to your appointment.
While we are able to make referrals to a qualified professional, we are unable to provide legal or medical advice. For your own privacy, we cannot handle sensitive personal information unless you are physically present and have provided consent.

Career Center Collection
Each of our 5 locations maintain their own collections of career resources. These collections include titles that cover resume writing, interview skills, career-specific test prep, and more. Each collection is unique to the location that owns it. Contact your local branch for more details on their individual offerings.

Jobs Bulletin Board (Computer Center)
The Jobs Board in the Ives Technology Center provides handouts about local job postings, recruitment events, career fairs and job readiness programs.

A database that offers live help with resumes, interviewing, job searching and applying for unemployment benefits. This database also offers a Learning Library with test preparation and basic computer skills videos.
A website that offers video classes on a wide variety of career skills and other topics, including job help, business topics, art and computer skills.

Job Resource List
New Haven Works

Seeks to improve economic stability in all communities by connecting New Haven residents to rewarding jobs. In addition, its Financial Empowerment Center offers free financial counseling via video and phone conferences.
Connecticut Department of Labor

A reliable source of CT job listings available by location, as well as classes for both job and career development. This CT State department is also the primary source for unemployment benefits and assistance.
Workforce Alliance

Offers workshops for employment and also manages the American Job Centers, which provide job postings, virtual hiring events, virtual job counseling plus online and hybrid career training.