Alcoholics Anonymous of CT
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
If you think you may be an alcoholic or you have a desire to stop drinking, we urge you to learn more about AA The best way to learn more is to attend an AA meeting. There are hundreds of AA meetings in Connecticut everyday, meeting at almost any time of day. Click here to find a meeting near you.
AA meetings are designated as either “open” or “closed.” Every meeting will have either an “O” for open or a “C” for closed next to it in the meeting listing. Anyone may attend an open meeting, whether or not he or she identifies as an alcoholic. We encourage anyone who wishes to learn more about AA to attend an open meeting. Closed meetings are limited to people with a desire to stop drinking. If you have a desire to stop drinking, you are welcome at any closed meeting of AA.
- Phone
- 1-866-783-7712
- Website
- https://ct-aa.org/
Assisted Living in Connecticut
Maintained by AssistedLiving.org which compiles directories and data nationwide and at the state level for those needing information about facilities, advocacy, insurance, financial assistance and more related to assisted living options and topics throughout Connecticut.
- Phone
- 1 (855) 221-9611
- Website
- https://www.assistedliving.org/connecticut/
Christian Community Action Hillside Family Center
CLASS Hillside Family Shelter provides temporary emergency housing (30-60 days) to families (at least one adult and one child) who are homeless or poor. Other services include: case management, food pantry, daycare through LULAC Headstart, and referrals to resources
- Phone
- (203) 777-7848
- Website
- https://www.ccahelping.org/
City of New Haven Resource Guide for New Residents (English)
City of New Haven Welcome Page
The City of New Haven is proud to be a welcoming city to all who come here.
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Clifford Beers Community Care Center
Clifford Beers is a nationally recognized provider of trauma-informed mental health care for children, adolescents, and adults. We serve as the safety net for children and families in the greater New Haven area who cannot afford or gain access to private mental health care. Our whole-family, trauma-informed, integrated model of care is designed to reduce chronic stress and build healthy and supportive connections.
We provide a safe and welcoming environment for every individual regardless of race, gender, language, sexual identity, disability, or documentation status. We help children recover from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as traumatic loss, sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, parental incarceration, and witnessing community violence. Our services provide support across the lifespan of a child and youth, from birth through age 19 and their families, and are tailored to address each individual’s unique needs.
We accept Medicaid (HUSKY) as well as several commercial health insurance providers.
Our dedicated team of child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, clinicians, and support staff understand that every person is unique, of value, and requires compassionate and individualized care. Our broad range of services are designed to decrease symptoms, build social skills, and increase overall functioning. We consider our clients’ individual needs as well as the circumstances and well-being of the whole family. Services include:
- Autism / IDD / DD
- Care Coordination
- Child First
- Project CATCH
- Community Support for Families (CSF)
- Community Healing Support Team (CHST)
- Fatherhood Engagement Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (MCIS)
- Outpatient Services (Individual, Family, and Group Therapy)
- Psychiatry
- SAFE Family Recovery
- School-Based Services
- Psychological Testing and Assessment Services
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 8 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pmContact Us
Clifford Beers
93 Edwards Street
New Haven, CT 06511Main Office
(203) 772-1270
(203) 772-0051 (fax)Outpatient Clinics
93 Edwards Street, New Haven, CT
1575 Boston Post Road, Building B, Unit C, Guilford, CT- Phone
- (203) 772-1270
- Website
- https://cliffordbeersccc.org/appointments/
Columbus House
Columbus House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been providing solutions to homelessness since 1982. Throughout the years, Columbus House has expanded its mission and programs to include not only emergency shelter but a continuum of housing and services designed to help people who are homeless move toward independence. The agency’s primary goal is to provide housing either through our own programs or through referrals throughout Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven, and New London counties to service-enriched or independent housing.
Seasonal Warming Centers
Columbus House serves people experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk by providing life-saving outreach, shelter and housing, and by fostering their personal growth and independence. We advocate for and create affordable housing to end homelessness in our communities.
Recovery House
A short-term program for 17 men (including 7 Veterans) who are awaiting placement in sober housing, treatment programs, or permanent housing with out-patient treatment support.
Medical Respite Program
This innovative program provides recuperative care to those who are homeless and exiting the hospital. In addition, the program lowers public healthcare costs by reducing unnecessary hospitalizations. Based out of our New Haven Shelter, referrals come directly from Yale New-Haven Hospital and the VA Hospital in West Haven. The 12-bed program includes 24-hour supervision, referrals to healthcare providers, transportation, and case management.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/
Columbus House Overflow Shelter
Columbus House provides shelter for women, men, Veterans, and families. Shelter services include case management, referrals to mental health and substance abuse treatment programs, employment training programs, education, health services, and links to housing.
New Haven Shelter
Located in the Hill neighborhood of New Haven, the shelter provides beds, meals, and case management for 81 adult men and women nightly.
Men’s Seasonal Overflow Shelter
Located in New Haven, provides seasonal shelter for an additional 75 men from November through April.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/programs/shelter-services/
Community Action Agency
Community Action Agency of New Haven provides case management services as well as other direct services, including but not limited to: energy and weatherization assistance, emergency services, and mature adult services to low income families.
419 Whalley Ave, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Main Line: (203) 387-7700
Energy Appointments: (203) 285-8018
Fax: (203) 397-7475
outreach@caanh.net- Phone
- (203) 387-7700
- Website
- https://www.caanh.net/
Concepts for Adaptive Learning (CfAL)
- Phone
- (475) 285-6500
- Website
- https://www.cfalct.org/
Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
The Connecticut Addiction Services website was developed to help people in Connecticut get timely access to detox, residential addiction treatment and recovery house beds. The site is funded and and maintained by the Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS).The information on this site is updated daily in an effort to keep the public informed on the availability of DMHAS funded treatment facilities. - Phone
- 800-563-4086
- Website
- https://www.ctaddictionservices.com/
Connecticut Region of Narcotics Anonymous
N.A. is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. The most important thing about them is that they work. We have learned from our group experience that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean.
A printable meeting list for the New Haven area is available here.
- Phone
- 1-800-627-3543
- Website
- https://ctna.org/
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center provides access to excellent and affordable healthcare to every member of our community. They offer the following services:
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health
- Dental
- Healthcare for the Homeless
- Blood Draw
- Pediatrics & Early Childhood
- Pharmacy
- Specialty Services
- Walk-in/Convenient Care
- Wellness
- Women’s Health
- Internal Medicine
To book an appointment or for more information about services, staff and locations, call (203)-503-3000.
- Phone
- (203) 503-3000
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center South Central Rehabilitation Center (SCRC)
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center’s SCRC offers medically monitored withdrawal management. This service is not free, but might be covered under insurance depending on your coverage. For real-time updates on available beds, please click here to check this facility on the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services website.
his facility is located at:
232 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT 06519
(203) 503-3300
232 Cedar St, New Haven, CT 06519
Business Hours:
Mon – Sun5:30 am – 7:00 pm
- Phone
- (203) 503-3300
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/232-cedar-street
Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen
DESK serves people who are experiencing homelessness or living in poverty by providing food assistance and services that promote health, community, and equity. Their programs are generally geared toward individuals and families with children who are experiencing food insecurity.
- Phone
- (203) 624-6426
- Website
- https://www.deskct.org/
Fellowship Place
Fellowship Place provides a broad range of support services for adults with mental illness in the Greater New Haven area. More than 800 people a year are served in a safe, caring community, open 365 days a year.
Fellowship Place offers an eclectic group of programs and services that emphasize wellness, creative expression, giving back to the community, and the importance of social relationships.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4227
- Website
- https://fellowshipplace.org/
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Get Connected New Haven–Food Resource Guide
This PDF document lists contact info. for local organizations offering food assistance in New Haven.
Guía de recursos para nuevos residentes de nuestra ciudad (Espanol)
Homeless Shelters Directory – New Haven
Homeless Shelter Directory is not associated with any government agency.
This website is updated and maintained by users like you who help improve the quality of online resources for the homeless and needy.
Immanuel Baptist Church Clothes Closet
Clothes Closet Hours of Operation:
Tuesdays 10:30a.m. – 2:45p.m.
Clothes Donation
Thursdays 10:30a.m. – 1:00p.m.
Open to community for pick-upsThe Clothes Closet Coordinators work untiringly each week meeting the need of the community.
Please feel free to donate clothes on Tuesdays during the hours noted above.
Through your help and generosity, they are able to help many families and individuals that come to the Clothes Closet on Thursdays.
The church is located at 1324 Chapel St.
- Phone
- (203) 777-8744
- Website
- https://www.immanuelbaptistnewhaven.org/copy-of-children-s-church
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Lawyer Referral Service
The New Haven County Bar Association provides free 30 minute consultations with clients. Referrals will also be made for a small (or waived) fee. They also offer information clinics to educate the public about general legal information.
- Phone
- (203) 562-5750
- Website
- https://newhavenbar.community.lawyer/
Liberty Community Services
Liberty provides services and programs designed to end homelessness include such as eviction prevention, security deposit, case management services, and employment services.
For more information on Liberty Community Service’s partnership with NHFPL, check out our Meet With A Social Worker page.
- Phone
- (203) 495-7600
- Website
- https://www.libertycs.org/
Life Haven Shelter for Women
Located at 447 Ferry St., Life Haven Shelter is a part of New Reach, Inc. Life Haven accepts families with a female head of household and women who are 8 months pregnant. If you are in need of shelter, please contact 211.
Life Haven is a not-for-profit organization, offering emergency shelter for homeless pregnant women and women with young children. Residents receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day. The menus are planned monthly to include a wide variety of healthy foods. Staff also plan seasonal menus and special dinners.
- Phone
- 203 776-6208
- Website
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/cgi-bin/id/shelter.cgi?shelter=7702
Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven
Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven (LVGNH) provides free tutoring to help adults improve speaking, reading and writing English. Volunteers tutor these adult students year-round in locations where they live and work.
- Phone
- 203-776-5899
- Website
- https://lvagnh.org/
Loaves & Fishes
Loaves and Fishes is a gathering place centered around community, offering food and clothing.
- Phone
- (203) 562-2691
- Website
- https://loavesandfishesnh.com/
Martha’s Place
Located at 559 Howard Ave., Martha’s Place is a part of New Reach, Inc. Martha’s Place accepts single women and families with a female head of household. If you are in need of shelter, please contact 211.
- Phone
- 203-624-5798
- Website
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/shelter/ct_marthas-place
New Haven Adult and Continuing Education Center
The New Haven Adult and Continuing Education Center is committed to assist local and global students in achieving their personal, educational, and occupational goals. Various courses are offered to effectively develop the skills which will prepare our students to successfully participate in our American society. Knowledge and skills will help you open the door to the future you want and New Haven Adult Education is here to offer you the keys. The programs offered will enable you to move ahead in your life, in the direction you choose.
- Phone
- (475) 220-8200
- Website
- https://www.nhaec.org/index.jsp#
New Haven City Clerk’s Office
Notary Services are offered for $5 per document. Please note that CT Notaries cannot notarize remotely, nor can they notarize out of state documents.
The office processes all public documents, including claims and garnishment suites against the City.
The City Clerk’s office records and processes land records such as mortgages, releases, quit claims, liens, etc. We record all notaries and justices of the peace, as well as process dog licenses, liquor permits and trade name certificates.
The City Clerk complies and maintains the Board of Alderperson’s’ legislation and oversee the codification of all legislation enacted to the City’s Code of Ordinances as well as the Zoning Ordinances.
City Clerk
Michael B. Smart
200 Orange Street, Room 202
New Haven, CT 06510Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Recording Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.- Phone
- 203-946-8339
- Website
- https://www.newhavenct.gov/government/departments-divisions/city-clerk
New Haven Elderly Services
The Department of Elderly Services gladly assists those who are 55 and older maintain independence and remain active. They provide case management and assistance referral services for residents with financial, medical, nutritional, legal and housing needs. They operate three senior centers in New Haven: Atwater | Dixwell/Newhallville | East Shore
For more information about services provided by the department, the senior centers, or about opportunities to volunteer as a tutor or in any other capacity, please feel free to contact the senior center of your choice.
- Phone
- (203) 946-8550
- Website
- https://www.newhavenct.gov/gov/depts/elderly/default.htm
New Haven Pride Center
The purpose of New Haven Pride Center, formerly the New Haven Gay and Lesbian Community Center, is to provide educational, cultural and social enrichment for the LGBTQ+ community, its allies, and members, to make a positive contribution to the entire community of Greater New Haven.
- Phone
- (203) 387-2252
- Website
- https://www.newhavenpridecenter.org/
New Haven Reads
New Haven Reads, founded to “share the joy and power of reading,” increases the literacy skills of children to empower their academic success by providing individually tailored one-on-one after-school tutoring, educational family support, and a community book bank, all at no cost to participants. To donate books to New Haven Reads click here. To pick up and request books click here.
- Phone
- (203) 752-1923
- Website
- https://newhavenreads.org/
New Haven Works
New Haven Works seeks to build a middle class in an urban center and improve economic stability in all communities by providing employers with a trained and qualified workforce and connecting New Haven residents to good jobs.
- Phone
- (203) 562-9000
- Website
- http://newhavenworkspipeline.org/
Office of Housing & Homeless Services
Through the Office of Housing & Homelessness Services, the City of New Haven provides a safety net of support and services for the City’s most fragile and vulnerable citizens- homeless singles and families. The goals of this office are to deliver an integrated service delivery system, and to improve quality assurance and evaluation systems for emergency shelter providers and other organizations supporting this City’s efforts to eliminate homelessness.
- Phone
- (203) 946-6033
- Website
- https://www.newhavenct.gov/gov/depts/homelessness/default.htm
Project Fresh Start
The mission of the City of New Haven Prison Reentry Department is to reduce recidivism by collaborating with community partners, state agencies, and other reentry stakeholders. We seek to create a citywide, strategic, and systematic delivery of resources that leads to reduced recidivism through increased employment and housing opportunities, access to continued education and the long-term self-sufficiency of returning residents.
- Phone
- (203) 946-7846
- Website
- https://www.newhavenct.gov/gov/depts/fresh_start/default.htm
Shelter List – New Haven
We provide a directory of shelters that provide assistance to the homeless. We do not directly provide aid ourselves, but provide local resources for you to find. Most major U.S. cities including New Haven, Connecticut, offer some type of shelter for persons in need. There are also thousands of local non-profit organizations that offer help. We currently have listed all of the shelters we could find in New Haven.
Pet Friendly Homeless Shelters
Today more and more shelters are providing areas at their shelters for pets. This mainly includes dogs.It is still the case that most shelters do not accept pets. This is also one of the main reasons why homeless do not see out shelters for aid. They want to stay with their pets.
On ShelterList.com, we list the full details of pet friendly shelters when we locate them. We realize this is a valuable resource for the homeless and these lists of pet friendly shelters are hard to find. So, when we do locate these shelters, we list them on the website.
St. Luke’s Auxiliary Thrift Shop
Find free clothing, back to school supplies, diapers, kitchen supplies and other household goods in New Haven County Connecticut. Families of all income levels and backgrounds shop at the local thrift stores or get free items. The clothing closets may provide free items, including school supplies or regular clothes, to those that meet low income levels.
Open on Thursdays 10 AM to 11:30 AM
Address: 111 Whalley Avenue, New Haven CT
- Phone
- (203) 865-0141
St. Matthew’s Church
Provides Grab and Go Free breakfast to those in need.
Available: Every 3rd Saturday
Time: 8 AM to 9 AM
Address: 400 Dixwell Ave, New Haven CT
- Phone
- (203) 865-9692
State Dept. of Labor
The Department is committed to protecting and promoting the interests of Connecticut workers. In order to accomplish this in an ever-changing environment, we assist workers and employers to become competitive in the global economy. We take a comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of workers and employers, and the other agencies that serve them. We ensure the supply of high-quality integrated services that serve the needs of our customers. For information on filing for unemployment click here.
- Phone
- (203) 941-6868 | 1 (860) 967-0493 | 1 (800) 956-3294 | TTY 711 or (800) 842-9710
- Website
- http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/
Taking Initiative Center (TIC)
The Taking Initiative Center is an inter-agency collaborative with Goodwill of Southern New England and the APT Foundation that provides engagement opportunities for individuals who are in the “pre-contemplative” stage of addiction. The center offers meals, access to an off-site shower and laundry facilities, meditation and recovery groups and assistance with or referral to employment services, education, social services, treatment, and medical consultation. The aim of the program is to engage, motivate and support those served so that they can adopt a healthy daily routine, gain employment, and reconnect with lost relationships and opportunities. This program is funded by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Eligibility: Individuals interested in services must be residing in New Haven, are currently not actively involved in the service system or in treatment, and who have not had success with previous recovery strategies. Once engaged, individuals will be screened for DMHAS eligibility.
- Phone
- (203) 389-2970
- Website
- https://www.marrakechinc.org/taking-initiative-center/
United Way 211
2-1-1 is a free, confidential information and referral service that connects people to essential health and human services 24 hours a day, seven days a week online and over the phone.
2-1-1 is fully certified in crisis intervention by the American Association of Suicidology and is certified by The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS). AIRS is the professional association for over 1,200 community Information and Referral (I&R) providers.
211 can help with Food Assistance, Mental Health, Health Care, Housing, Substance Use, Transportation, Utility Assistance, Income, Children & Families, Crisis Help, Basic Needs, Legal Assistance, Re-entry assistance and Elderly Services
Chat services are available online
2-1-1 Navigator: The 2-1-1 Navigator Benefits Screener is an interactive interview that allows 2-1-1 CT to generate a list of some state and federal programs that may be able to help you. Click Here.
- Phone
- 211 | 1 (800) 203-1234 | TTY: 1 (800) 671-0737
- Website
- https://www.211ct.org/
US Citizenship and Immigration Services
USCIS is the government agency that oversees lawful immigration to the United States.
Mission Statement
USCIS upholds America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve.- Website
- https://www.uscis.gov/
Women of the Village Food Pantry
Walk-in Food pantry during open hours.
Available: Tuesdays 1 PM to 2 PM
Address: 26 Charles Street, New Haven CT
Please Note: Due to COVID-19, bags are pre-made and distributed every Tuesday from 1-2pm and the regular monthly food pantry has been put on hold. Pantry is located at the New Haven Police Department Substation.
Workforce Alliance & American Job Center
Employment and Training for South Central Connecticut. Provides Online workshops, Job Postings and Events, Job Training Assistance and Business Services such as Workforce Recruitment and Training.
- Phone
- (203) 867-4030
- Website
- https://www.workforcealliance.biz/
Yale New Haven Hospital-YNHH
Address: 20 York Street, New Haven, CT 06510
- Phone
- 203-688-4242
- Website
- https://www.ynhh.org/
YNHH-Saint Raphael Campus
Address: 1450 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT 06511
- Phone
- (203) 789-3000
- Website
- https://www.ynhh.org/locations/new-haven-1450-chapel-street.aspx
Youth Continuum Shelter
Youth Continuum is a community-based, not-for-profit agency serving youth ages 14-24. We support 1,000-1,500 young people annually through emergency, residential, and community services.
Drop-in Center:
943 Grand Ave, New Haven, CT 06511
- Phone
- 211 | (203) 777-8445 Ext. 2
- Website
- https://www.youthcontinuum.org/
Alcoholics Anonymous of CT
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
If you think you may be an alcoholic or you have a desire to stop drinking, we urge you to learn more about AA The best way to learn more is to attend an AA meeting. There are hundreds of AA meetings in Connecticut everyday, meeting at almost any time of day. Click here to find a meeting near you.
AA meetings are designated as either “open” or “closed.” Every meeting will have either an “O” for open or a “C” for closed next to it in the meeting listing. Anyone may attend an open meeting, whether or not he or she identifies as an alcoholic. We encourage anyone who wishes to learn more about AA to attend an open meeting. Closed meetings are limited to people with a desire to stop drinking. If you have a desire to stop drinking, you are welcome at any closed meeting of AA.
- Phone
- 1-866-783-7712
- Website
- https://ct-aa.org/
Assisted Living in Connecticut
Maintained by AssistedLiving.org which compiles directories and data nationwide and at the state level for those needing information about facilities, advocacy, insurance, financial assistance and more related to assisted living options and topics throughout Connecticut.
- Phone
- 1 (855) 221-9611
- Website
- https://www.assistedliving.org/connecticut/
Christian Community Action Hillside Family Center
CLASS Hillside Family Shelter provides temporary emergency housing (30-60 days) to families (at least one adult and one child) who are homeless or poor. Other services include: case management, food pantry, daycare through LULAC Headstart, and referrals to resources
- Phone
- (203) 777-7848
- Website
- https://www.ccahelping.org/
City of New Haven Resource Guide for New Residents (English)
City of New Haven Welcome Page
The City of New Haven is proud to be a welcoming city to all who come here.
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Clifford Beers Community Care Center
Clifford Beers is a nationally recognized provider of trauma-informed mental health care for children, adolescents, and adults. We serve as the safety net for children and families in the greater New Haven area who cannot afford or gain access to private mental health care. Our whole-family, trauma-informed, integrated model of care is designed to reduce chronic stress and build healthy and supportive connections.
We provide a safe and welcoming environment for every individual regardless of race, gender, language, sexual identity, disability, or documentation status. We help children recover from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as traumatic loss, sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, parental incarceration, and witnessing community violence. Our services provide support across the lifespan of a child and youth, from birth through age 19 and their families, and are tailored to address each individual’s unique needs.
We accept Medicaid (HUSKY) as well as several commercial health insurance providers.
Our dedicated team of child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, clinicians, and support staff understand that every person is unique, of value, and requires compassionate and individualized care. Our broad range of services are designed to decrease symptoms, build social skills, and increase overall functioning. We consider our clients’ individual needs as well as the circumstances and well-being of the whole family. Services include:
- Autism / IDD / DD
- Care Coordination
- Child First
- Project CATCH
- Community Support for Families (CSF)
- Community Healing Support Team (CHST)
- Fatherhood Engagement Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (MCIS)
- Outpatient Services (Individual, Family, and Group Therapy)
- Psychiatry
- SAFE Family Recovery
- School-Based Services
- Psychological Testing and Assessment Services
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 8 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pmContact Us
Clifford Beers
93 Edwards Street
New Haven, CT 06511Main Office
(203) 772-1270
(203) 772-0051 (fax)Outpatient Clinics
93 Edwards Street, New Haven, CT
1575 Boston Post Road, Building B, Unit C, Guilford, CT- Phone
- (203) 772-1270
- Website
- https://cliffordbeersccc.org/appointments/
Columbus House
Columbus House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been providing solutions to homelessness since 1982. Throughout the years, Columbus House has expanded its mission and programs to include not only emergency shelter but a continuum of housing and services designed to help people who are homeless move toward independence. The agency’s primary goal is to provide housing either through our own programs or through referrals throughout Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven, and New London counties to service-enriched or independent housing.
Seasonal Warming Centers
Columbus House serves people experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk by providing life-saving outreach, shelter and housing, and by fostering their personal growth and independence. We advocate for and create affordable housing to end homelessness in our communities.
Recovery House
A short-term program for 17 men (including 7 Veterans) who are awaiting placement in sober housing, treatment programs, or permanent housing with out-patient treatment support.
Medical Respite Program
This innovative program provides recuperative care to those who are homeless and exiting the hospital. In addition, the program lowers public healthcare costs by reducing unnecessary hospitalizations. Based out of our New Haven Shelter, referrals come directly from Yale New-Haven Hospital and the VA Hospital in West Haven. The 12-bed program includes 24-hour supervision, referrals to healthcare providers, transportation, and case management.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/
Columbus House Overflow Shelter
Columbus House provides shelter for women, men, Veterans, and families. Shelter services include case management, referrals to mental health and substance abuse treatment programs, employment training programs, education, health services, and links to housing.
New Haven Shelter
Located in the Hill neighborhood of New Haven, the shelter provides beds, meals, and case management for 81 adult men and women nightly.
Men’s Seasonal Overflow Shelter
Located in New Haven, provides seasonal shelter for an additional 75 men from November through April.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/programs/shelter-services/
Community Action Agency
Community Action Agency of New Haven provides case management services as well as other direct services, including but not limited to: energy and weatherization assistance, emergency services, and mature adult services to low income families.
419 Whalley Ave, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Main Line: (203) 387-7700
Energy Appointments: (203) 285-8018
Fax: (203) 397-7475
outreach@caanh.net- Phone
- (203) 387-7700
- Website
- https://www.caanh.net/
Concepts for Adaptive Learning (CfAL)
- Phone
- (475) 285-6500
- Website
- https://www.cfalct.org/
Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
The Connecticut Addiction Services website was developed to help people in Connecticut get timely access to detox, residential addiction treatment and recovery house beds. The site is funded and and maintained by the Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS).The information on this site is updated daily in an effort to keep the public informed on the availability of DMHAS funded treatment facilities. - Phone
- 800-563-4086
- Website
- https://www.ctaddictionservices.com/
Connecticut Region of Narcotics Anonymous
N.A. is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. The most important thing about them is that they work. We have learned from our group experience that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean.
A printable meeting list for the New Haven area is available here.
- Phone
- 1-800-627-3543
- Website
- https://ctna.org/
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center provides access to excellent and affordable healthcare to every member of our community. They offer the following services:
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health
- Dental
- Healthcare for the Homeless
- Blood Draw
- Pediatrics & Early Childhood
- Pharmacy
- Specialty Services
- Walk-in/Convenient Care
- Wellness
- Women’s Health
- Internal Medicine
To book an appointment or for more information about services, staff and locations, call (203)-503-3000.
- Phone
- (203) 503-3000
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center South Central Rehabilitation Center (SCRC)
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center’s SCRC offers medically monitored withdrawal management. This service is not free, but might be covered under insurance depending on your coverage. For real-time updates on available beds, please click here to check this facility on the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services website.
his facility is located at:
232 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT 06519
(203) 503-3300
232 Cedar St, New Haven, CT 06519
Business Hours:
Mon – Sun5:30 am – 7:00 pm
- Phone
- (203) 503-3300
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/232-cedar-street
Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen
DESK serves people who are experiencing homelessness or living in poverty by providing food assistance and services that promote health, community, and equity. Their programs are generally geared toward individuals and families with children who are experiencing food insecurity.
- Phone
- (203) 624-6426
- Website
- https://www.deskct.org/
Fellowship Place
Fellowship Place provides a broad range of support services for adults with mental illness in the Greater New Haven area. More than 800 people a year are served in a safe, caring community, open 365 days a year.
Fellowship Place offers an eclectic group of programs and services that emphasize wellness, creative expression, giving back to the community, and the importance of social relationships.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4227
- Website
- https://fellowshipplace.org/
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Get Connected New Haven–Food Resource Guide
This PDF document lists contact info. for local organizations offering food assistance in New Haven.
Guía de recursos para nuevos residentes de nuestra ciudad (Espanol)
Homeless Shelters Directory – New Haven
Homeless Shelter Directory is not associated with any government agency.
This website is updated and maintained by users like you who help improve the quality of online resources for the homeless and needy.
Immanuel Baptist Church Clothes Closet
Clothes Closet Hours of Operation:
Tuesdays 10:30a.m. – 2:45p.m.
Clothes Donation
Thursdays 10:30a.m. – 1:00p.m.
Open to community for pick-upsThe Clothes Closet Coordinators work untiringly each week meeting the need of the community.
Please feel free to donate clothes on Tuesdays during the hours noted above.
Through your help and generosity, they are able to help many families and individuals that come to the Clothes Closet on Thursdays.
The church is located at 1324 Chapel St.
- Phone
- (203) 777-8744
- Website
- https://www.immanuelbaptistnewhaven.org/copy-of-children-s-church
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Lawyer Referral Service
The New Haven County Bar Association provides free 30 minute consultations with clients. Referrals will also be made for a small (or waived) fee. They also offer information clinics to educate the public about general legal information.
- Phone
- (203) 562-5750
- Website
- https://newhavenbar.community.lawyer/
Liberty Community Services
Liberty provides services and programs designed to end homelessness include such as eviction prevention, security deposit, case management services, and employment services.
For more information on Liberty Community Service’s partnership with NHFPL, check out our Meet With A Social Worker page.
- Phone
- (203) 495-7600
- Website
- https://www.libertycs.org/
Life Haven Shelter for Women
Located at 447 Ferry St., Life Haven Shelter is a part of New Reach, Inc. Life Haven accepts families with a female head of household and women who are 8 months pregnant. If you are in need of shelter, please contact 211.
Life Haven is a not-for-profit organization, offering emergency shelter for homeless pregnant women and women with young children. Residents receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day. The menus are planned monthly to include a wide variety of healthy foods. Staff also plan seasonal menus and special dinners.
- Phone
- 203 776-6208
- Website
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/cgi-bin/id/shelter.cgi?shelter=7702
Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven
Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven (LVGNH) provides free tutoring to help adults improve speaking, reading and writing English. Volunteers tutor these adult students year-round in locations where they live and work.
- Phone
- 203-776-5899
- Website
- https://lvagnh.org/
Loaves & Fishes
Loaves and Fishes is a gathering place centered around community, offering food and clothing.
- Phone
- (203) 562-2691
- Website
- https://loavesandfishesnh.com/
Martha’s Place
Located at 559 Howard Ave., Martha’s Place is a part of New Reach, Inc. Martha’s Place accepts single women and families with a female head of household. If you are in need of shelter, please contact 211.
- Phone
- 203-624-5798
- Website
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/shelter/ct_marthas-place
New Haven Adult and Continuing Education Center
The New Haven Adult and Continuing Education Center is committed to assist local and global students in achieving their personal, educational, and occupational goals. Various courses are offered to effectively develop the skills which will prepare our students to successfully participate in our American society. Knowledge and skills will help you open the door to the future you want and New Haven Adult Education is here to offer you the keys. The programs offered will enable you to move ahead in your life, in the direction you choose.
- Phone
- (475) 220-8200
- Website
- https://www.nhaec.org/index.jsp#
New Haven City Clerk’s Office
Notary Services are offered for $5 per document. Please note that CT Notaries cannot notarize remotely, nor can they notarize out of state documents.
The office processes all public documents, including claims and garnishment suites against the City.
The City Clerk’s office records and processes land records such as mortgages, releases, quit claims, liens, etc. We record all notaries and justices of the peace, as well as process dog licenses, liquor permits and trade name certificates.
The City Clerk complies and maintains the Board of Alderperson’s’ legislation and oversee the codification of all legislation enacted to the City’s Code of Ordinances as well as the Zoning Ordinances.
City Clerk
Michael B. Smart
200 Orange Street, Room 202
New Haven, CT 06510Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Recording Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.- Phone
- 203-946-8339
- Website
- https://www.newhavenct.gov/government/departments-divisions/city-clerk
New Haven Elderly Services
The Department of Elderly Services gladly assists those who are 55 and older maintain independence and remain active. They provide case management and assistance referral services for residents with financial, medical, nutritional, legal and housing needs. They operate three senior centers in New Haven: Atwater | Dixwell/Newhallville | East Shore
For more information about services provided by the department, the senior centers, or about opportunities to volunteer as a tutor or in any other capacity, please feel free to contact the senior center of your choice.
- Phone
- (203) 946-8550
- Website
- https://www.newhavenct.gov/gov/depts/elderly/default.htm
New Haven Pride Center
The purpose of New Haven Pride Center, formerly the New Haven Gay and Lesbian Community Center, is to provide educational, cultural and social enrichment for the LGBTQ+ community, its allies, and members, to make a positive contribution to the entire community of Greater New Haven.
- Phone
- (203) 387-2252
- Website
- https://www.newhavenpridecenter.org/
New Haven Reads
New Haven Reads, founded to “share the joy and power of reading,” increases the literacy skills of children to empower their academic success by providing individually tailored one-on-one after-school tutoring, educational family support, and a community book bank, all at no cost to participants. To donate books to New Haven Reads click here. To pick up and request books click here.
- Phone
- (203) 752-1923
- Website
- https://newhavenreads.org/
New Haven Works
New Haven Works seeks to build a middle class in an urban center and improve economic stability in all communities by providing employers with a trained and qualified workforce and connecting New Haven residents to good jobs.
- Phone
- (203) 562-9000
- Website
- http://newhavenworkspipeline.org/
Office of Housing & Homeless Services
Through the Office of Housing & Homelessness Services, the City of New Haven provides a safety net of support and services for the City’s most fragile and vulnerable citizens- homeless singles and families. The goals of this office are to deliver an integrated service delivery system, and to improve quality assurance and evaluation systems for emergency shelter providers and other organizations supporting this City’s efforts to eliminate homelessness.
- Phone
- (203) 946-6033
- Website
- https://www.newhavenct.gov/gov/depts/homelessness/default.htm
Project Fresh Start
The mission of the City of New Haven Prison Reentry Department is to reduce recidivism by collaborating with community partners, state agencies, and other reentry stakeholders. We seek to create a citywide, strategic, and systematic delivery of resources that leads to reduced recidivism through increased employment and housing opportunities, access to continued education and the long-term self-sufficiency of returning residents.
- Phone
- (203) 946-7846
- Website
- https://www.newhavenct.gov/gov/depts/fresh_start/default.htm
Shelter List – New Haven
We provide a directory of shelters that provide assistance to the homeless. We do not directly provide aid ourselves, but provide local resources for you to find. Most major U.S. cities including New Haven, Connecticut, offer some type of shelter for persons in need. There are also thousands of local non-profit organizations that offer help. We currently have listed all of the shelters we could find in New Haven.
Pet Friendly Homeless Shelters
Today more and more shelters are providing areas at their shelters for pets. This mainly includes dogs.It is still the case that most shelters do not accept pets. This is also one of the main reasons why homeless do not see out shelters for aid. They want to stay with their pets.
On ShelterList.com, we list the full details of pet friendly shelters when we locate them. We realize this is a valuable resource for the homeless and these lists of pet friendly shelters are hard to find. So, when we do locate these shelters, we list them on the website.
St. Luke’s Auxiliary Thrift Shop
Find free clothing, back to school supplies, diapers, kitchen supplies and other household goods in New Haven County Connecticut. Families of all income levels and backgrounds shop at the local thrift stores or get free items. The clothing closets may provide free items, including school supplies or regular clothes, to those that meet low income levels.
Open on Thursdays 10 AM to 11:30 AM
Address: 111 Whalley Avenue, New Haven CT
- Phone
- (203) 865-0141
State Dept. of Labor
The Department is committed to protecting and promoting the interests of Connecticut workers. In order to accomplish this in an ever-changing environment, we assist workers and employers to become competitive in the global economy. We take a comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of workers and employers, and the other agencies that serve them. We ensure the supply of high-quality integrated services that serve the needs of our customers. For information on filing for unemployment click here.
- Phone
- (203) 941-6868 | 1 (860) 967-0493 | 1 (800) 956-3294 | TTY 711 or (800) 842-9710
- Website
- http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/
Taking Initiative Center (TIC)
The Taking Initiative Center is an inter-agency collaborative with Goodwill of Southern New England and the APT Foundation that provides engagement opportunities for individuals who are in the “pre-contemplative” stage of addiction. The center offers meals, access to an off-site shower and laundry facilities, meditation and recovery groups and assistance with or referral to employment services, education, social services, treatment, and medical consultation. The aim of the program is to engage, motivate and support those served so that they can adopt a healthy daily routine, gain employment, and reconnect with lost relationships and opportunities. This program is funded by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Eligibility: Individuals interested in services must be residing in New Haven, are currently not actively involved in the service system or in treatment, and who have not had success with previous recovery strategies. Once engaged, individuals will be screened for DMHAS eligibility.
- Phone
- (203) 389-2970
- Website
- https://www.marrakechinc.org/taking-initiative-center/
United Way 211
2-1-1 is a free, confidential information and referral service that connects people to essential health and human services 24 hours a day, seven days a week online and over the phone.
2-1-1 is fully certified in crisis intervention by the American Association of Suicidology and is certified by The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS). AIRS is the professional association for over 1,200 community Information and Referral (I&R) providers.
211 can help with Food Assistance, Mental Health, Health Care, Housing, Substance Use, Transportation, Utility Assistance, Income, Children & Families, Crisis Help, Basic Needs, Legal Assistance, Re-entry assistance and Elderly Services
Chat services are available online
2-1-1 Navigator: The 2-1-1 Navigator Benefits Screener is an interactive interview that allows 2-1-1 CT to generate a list of some state and federal programs that may be able to help you. Click Here.
- Phone
- 211 | 1 (800) 203-1234 | TTY: 1 (800) 671-0737
- Website
- https://www.211ct.org/
US Citizenship and Immigration Services
USCIS is the government agency that oversees lawful immigration to the United States.
Mission Statement
USCIS upholds America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve.- Website
- https://www.uscis.gov/
Workforce Alliance & American Job Center
Employment and Training for South Central Connecticut. Provides Online workshops, Job Postings and Events, Job Training Assistance and Business Services such as Workforce Recruitment and Training.
- Phone
- (203) 867-4030
- Website
- https://www.workforcealliance.biz/
Yale New Haven Hospital-YNHH
Address: 20 York Street, New Haven, CT 06510
- Phone
- 203-688-4242
- Website
- https://www.ynhh.org/
YNHH-Saint Raphael Campus
Address: 1450 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT 06511
- Phone
- (203) 789-3000
- Website
- https://www.ynhh.org/locations/new-haven-1450-chapel-street.aspx
Youth Continuum Shelter
Youth Continuum is a community-based, not-for-profit agency serving youth ages 14-24. We support 1,000-1,500 young people annually through emergency, residential, and community services.
Drop-in Center:
943 Grand Ave, New Haven, CT 06511
- Phone
- 211 | (203) 777-8445 Ext. 2
- Website
- https://www.youthcontinuum.org/
Concepts for Adaptive Learning (CfAL)
- Phone
- (475) 285-6500
- Website
- https://www.cfalct.org/
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center provides access to excellent and affordable healthcare to every member of our community. They offer the following services:
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health
- Dental
- Healthcare for the Homeless
- Blood Draw
- Pediatrics & Early Childhood
- Pharmacy
- Specialty Services
- Walk-in/Convenient Care
- Wellness
- Women’s Health
- Internal Medicine
To book an appointment or for more information about services, staff and locations, call (203)-503-3000.
- Phone
- (203) 503-3000
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/
St. Matthew’s Church
Provides Grab and Go Free breakfast to those in need.
Available: Every 3rd Saturday
Time: 8 AM to 9 AM
Address: 400 Dixwell Ave, New Haven CT
- Phone
- (203) 865-9692
Women of the Village Food Pantry
Walk-in Food pantry during open hours.
Available: Tuesdays 1 PM to 2 PM
Address: 26 Charles Street, New Haven CT
Please Note: Due to COVID-19, bags are pre-made and distributed every Tuesday from 1-2pm and the regular monthly food pantry has been put on hold. Pantry is located at the New Haven Police Department Substation.
Liberty Community Services
Liberty provides services and programs designed to end homelessness include such as eviction prevention, security deposit, case management services, and employment services.
For more information on Liberty Community Service’s partnership with NHFPL, check out our Meet With A Social Worker page.
- Phone
- (203) 495-7600
- Website
- https://www.libertycs.org/
East Rock
Clifford Beers Community Care Center
Clifford Beers is a nationally recognized provider of trauma-informed mental health care for children, adolescents, and adults. We serve as the safety net for children and families in the greater New Haven area who cannot afford or gain access to private mental health care. Our whole-family, trauma-informed, integrated model of care is designed to reduce chronic stress and build healthy and supportive connections.
We provide a safe and welcoming environment for every individual regardless of race, gender, language, sexual identity, disability, or documentation status. We help children recover from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as traumatic loss, sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, parental incarceration, and witnessing community violence. Our services provide support across the lifespan of a child and youth, from birth through age 19 and their families, and are tailored to address each individual’s unique needs.
We accept Medicaid (HUSKY) as well as several commercial health insurance providers.
Our dedicated team of child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, clinicians, and support staff understand that every person is unique, of value, and requires compassionate and individualized care. Our broad range of services are designed to decrease symptoms, build social skills, and increase overall functioning. We consider our clients’ individual needs as well as the circumstances and well-being of the whole family. Services include:
- Autism / IDD / DD
- Care Coordination
- Child First
- Project CATCH
- Community Support for Families (CSF)
- Community Healing Support Team (CHST)
- Fatherhood Engagement Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (MCIS)
- Outpatient Services (Individual, Family, and Group Therapy)
- Psychiatry
- SAFE Family Recovery
- School-Based Services
- Psychological Testing and Assessment Services
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 8 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pmContact Us
Clifford Beers
93 Edwards Street
New Haven, CT 06511Main Office
(203) 772-1270
(203) 772-0051 (fax)Outpatient Clinics
93 Edwards Street, New Haven, CT
1575 Boston Post Road, Building B, Unit C, Guilford, CT- Phone
- (203) 772-1270
- Website
- https://cliffordbeersccc.org/appointments/
Fair Haven
Life Haven Shelter for Women
Located at 447 Ferry St., Life Haven Shelter is a part of New Reach, Inc. Life Haven accepts families with a female head of household and women who are 8 months pregnant. If you are in need of shelter, please contact 211.
Life Haven is a not-for-profit organization, offering emergency shelter for homeless pregnant women and women with young children. Residents receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day. The menus are planned monthly to include a wide variety of healthy foods. Staff also plan seasonal menus and special dinners.
- Phone
- 203 776-6208
- Website
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/cgi-bin/id/shelter.cgi?shelter=7702
Concepts for Adaptive Learning (CfAL)
- Phone
- (475) 285-6500
- Website
- https://www.cfalct.org/
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center provides access to excellent and affordable healthcare to every member of our community. They offer the following services:
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health
- Dental
- Healthcare for the Homeless
- Blood Draw
- Pediatrics & Early Childhood
- Pharmacy
- Specialty Services
- Walk-in/Convenient Care
- Wellness
- Women’s Health
- Internal Medicine
To book an appointment or for more information about services, staff and locations, call (203)-503-3000.
- Phone
- (203) 503-3000
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/
The Hill
Christian Community Action Hillside Family Center
CLASS Hillside Family Shelter provides temporary emergency housing (30-60 days) to families (at least one adult and one child) who are homeless or poor. Other services include: case management, food pantry, daycare through LULAC Headstart, and referrals to resources
- Phone
- (203) 777-7848
- Website
- https://www.ccahelping.org/
Columbus House
Columbus House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been providing solutions to homelessness since 1982. Throughout the years, Columbus House has expanded its mission and programs to include not only emergency shelter but a continuum of housing and services designed to help people who are homeless move toward independence. The agency’s primary goal is to provide housing either through our own programs or through referrals throughout Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven, and New London counties to service-enriched or independent housing.
Seasonal Warming Centers
Columbus House serves people experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk by providing life-saving outreach, shelter and housing, and by fostering their personal growth and independence. We advocate for and create affordable housing to end homelessness in our communities.
Recovery House
A short-term program for 17 men (including 7 Veterans) who are awaiting placement in sober housing, treatment programs, or permanent housing with out-patient treatment support.
Medical Respite Program
This innovative program provides recuperative care to those who are homeless and exiting the hospital. In addition, the program lowers public healthcare costs by reducing unnecessary hospitalizations. Based out of our New Haven Shelter, referrals come directly from Yale New-Haven Hospital and the VA Hospital in West Haven. The 12-bed program includes 24-hour supervision, referrals to healthcare providers, transportation, and case management.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/
Columbus House Overflow Shelter
Columbus House provides shelter for women, men, Veterans, and families. Shelter services include case management, referrals to mental health and substance abuse treatment programs, employment training programs, education, health services, and links to housing.
New Haven Shelter
Located in the Hill neighborhood of New Haven, the shelter provides beds, meals, and case management for 81 adult men and women nightly.
Men’s Seasonal Overflow Shelter
Located in New Haven, provides seasonal shelter for an additional 75 men from November through April.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/programs/shelter-services/
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center provides access to excellent and affordable healthcare to every member of our community. They offer the following services:
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health
- Dental
- Healthcare for the Homeless
- Blood Draw
- Pediatrics & Early Childhood
- Pharmacy
- Specialty Services
- Walk-in/Convenient Care
- Wellness
- Women’s Health
- Internal Medicine
To book an appointment or for more information about services, staff and locations, call (203)-503-3000.
- Phone
- (203) 503-3000
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center South Central Rehabilitation Center (SCRC)
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center’s SCRC offers medically monitored withdrawal management. This service is not free, but might be covered under insurance depending on your coverage. For real-time updates on available beds, please click here to check this facility on the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services website.
his facility is located at:
232 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT 06519
(203) 503-3300
232 Cedar St, New Haven, CT 06519
Business Hours:
Mon – Sun5:30 am – 7:00 pm
- Phone
- (203) 503-3300
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/232-cedar-street
Martha’s Place
Located at 559 Howard Ave., Martha’s Place is a part of New Reach, Inc. Martha’s Place accepts single women and families with a female head of household. If you are in need of shelter, please contact 211.
- Phone
- 203-624-5798
- Website
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/shelter/ct_marthas-place
Community Action Agency
Community Action Agency of New Haven provides case management services as well as other direct services, including but not limited to: energy and weatherization assistance, emergency services, and mature adult services to low income families.
419 Whalley Ave, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Main Line: (203) 387-7700
Energy Appointments: (203) 285-8018
Fax: (203) 397-7475
outreach@caanh.net- Phone
- (203) 387-7700
- Website
- https://www.caanh.net/
Wooster Square
Loaves & Fishes
Loaves and Fishes is a gathering place centered around community, offering food and clothing.
- Phone
- (203) 562-2691
- Website
- https://loavesandfishesnh.com/
Alcoholics Anonymous of CT
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
If you think you may be an alcoholic or you have a desire to stop drinking, we urge you to learn more about AA The best way to learn more is to attend an AA meeting. There are hundreds of AA meetings in Connecticut everyday, meeting at almost any time of day. Click here to find a meeting near you.
AA meetings are designated as either “open” or “closed.” Every meeting will have either an “O” for open or a “C” for closed next to it in the meeting listing. Anyone may attend an open meeting, whether or not he or she identifies as an alcoholic. We encourage anyone who wishes to learn more about AA to attend an open meeting. Closed meetings are limited to people with a desire to stop drinking. If you have a desire to stop drinking, you are welcome at any closed meeting of AA.
- Phone
- 1-866-783-7712
- Website
- https://ct-aa.org/
Assisted Living in Connecticut
Maintained by AssistedLiving.org which compiles directories and data nationwide and at the state level for those needing information about facilities, advocacy, insurance, financial assistance and more related to assisted living options and topics throughout Connecticut.
- Phone
- 1 (855) 221-9611
- Website
- https://www.assistedliving.org/connecticut/
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Clifford Beers Community Care Center
Clifford Beers is a nationally recognized provider of trauma-informed mental health care for children, adolescents, and adults. We serve as the safety net for children and families in the greater New Haven area who cannot afford or gain access to private mental health care. Our whole-family, trauma-informed, integrated model of care is designed to reduce chronic stress and build healthy and supportive connections.
We provide a safe and welcoming environment for every individual regardless of race, gender, language, sexual identity, disability, or documentation status. We help children recover from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as traumatic loss, sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, parental incarceration, and witnessing community violence. Our services provide support across the lifespan of a child and youth, from birth through age 19 and their families, and are tailored to address each individual’s unique needs.
We accept Medicaid (HUSKY) as well as several commercial health insurance providers.
Our dedicated team of child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, clinicians, and support staff understand that every person is unique, of value, and requires compassionate and individualized care. Our broad range of services are designed to decrease symptoms, build social skills, and increase overall functioning. We consider our clients’ individual needs as well as the circumstances and well-being of the whole family. Services include:
- Autism / IDD / DD
- Care Coordination
- Child First
- Project CATCH
- Community Support for Families (CSF)
- Community Healing Support Team (CHST)
- Fatherhood Engagement Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (MCIS)
- Outpatient Services (Individual, Family, and Group Therapy)
- Psychiatry
- SAFE Family Recovery
- School-Based Services
- Psychological Testing and Assessment Services
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 8 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pmContact Us
Clifford Beers
93 Edwards Street
New Haven, CT 06511Main Office
(203) 772-1270
(203) 772-0051 (fax)Outpatient Clinics
93 Edwards Street, New Haven, CT
1575 Boston Post Road, Building B, Unit C, Guilford, CT- Phone
- (203) 772-1270
- Website
- https://cliffordbeersccc.org/appointments/
Columbus House
Columbus House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been providing solutions to homelessness since 1982. Throughout the years, Columbus House has expanded its mission and programs to include not only emergency shelter but a continuum of housing and services designed to help people who are homeless move toward independence. The agency’s primary goal is to provide housing either through our own programs or through referrals throughout Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven, and New London counties to service-enriched or independent housing.
Seasonal Warming Centers
Columbus House serves people experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk by providing life-saving outreach, shelter and housing, and by fostering their personal growth and independence. We advocate for and create affordable housing to end homelessness in our communities.
Recovery House
A short-term program for 17 men (including 7 Veterans) who are awaiting placement in sober housing, treatment programs, or permanent housing with out-patient treatment support.
Medical Respite Program
This innovative program provides recuperative care to those who are homeless and exiting the hospital. In addition, the program lowers public healthcare costs by reducing unnecessary hospitalizations. Based out of our New Haven Shelter, referrals come directly from Yale New-Haven Hospital and the VA Hospital in West Haven. The 12-bed program includes 24-hour supervision, referrals to healthcare providers, transportation, and case management.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/
Columbus House Overflow Shelter
Columbus House provides shelter for women, men, Veterans, and families. Shelter services include case management, referrals to mental health and substance abuse treatment programs, employment training programs, education, health services, and links to housing.
New Haven Shelter
Located in the Hill neighborhood of New Haven, the shelter provides beds, meals, and case management for 81 adult men and women nightly.
Men’s Seasonal Overflow Shelter
Located in New Haven, provides seasonal shelter for an additional 75 men from November through April.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/programs/shelter-services/
Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
The Connecticut Addiction Services website was developed to help people in Connecticut get timely access to detox, residential addiction treatment and recovery house beds. The site is funded and and maintained by the Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS).The information on this site is updated daily in an effort to keep the public informed on the availability of DMHAS funded treatment facilities. - Phone
- 800-563-4086
- Website
- https://www.ctaddictionservices.com/
Connecticut Region of Narcotics Anonymous
N.A. is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. The most important thing about them is that they work. We have learned from our group experience that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean.
A printable meeting list for the New Haven area is available here.
- Phone
- 1-800-627-3543
- Website
- https://ctna.org/
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center provides access to excellent and affordable healthcare to every member of our community. They offer the following services:
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health
- Dental
- Healthcare for the Homeless
- Blood Draw
- Pediatrics & Early Childhood
- Pharmacy
- Specialty Services
- Walk-in/Convenient Care
- Wellness
- Women’s Health
- Internal Medicine
To book an appointment or for more information about services, staff and locations, call (203)-503-3000.
- Phone
- (203) 503-3000
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center South Central Rehabilitation Center (SCRC)
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center’s SCRC offers medically monitored withdrawal management. This service is not free, but might be covered under insurance depending on your coverage. For real-time updates on available beds, please click here to check this facility on the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services website.
his facility is located at:
232 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT 06519
(203) 503-3300
232 Cedar St, New Haven, CT 06519
Business Hours:
Mon – Sun5:30 am – 7:00 pm
- Phone
- (203) 503-3300
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/232-cedar-street
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Immanuel Baptist Church Clothes Closet
Clothes Closet Hours of Operation:
Tuesdays 10:30a.m. – 2:45p.m.
Clothes Donation
Thursdays 10:30a.m. – 1:00p.m.
Open to community for pick-upsThe Clothes Closet Coordinators work untiringly each week meeting the need of the community.
Please feel free to donate clothes on Tuesdays during the hours noted above.
Through your help and generosity, they are able to help many families and individuals that come to the Clothes Closet on Thursdays.
The church is located at 1324 Chapel St.
- Phone
- (203) 777-8744
- Website
- https://www.immanuelbaptistnewhaven.org/copy-of-children-s-church
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Loaves & Fishes
Loaves and Fishes is a gathering place centered around community, offering food and clothing.
- Phone
- (203) 562-2691
- Website
- https://loavesandfishesnh.com/
St. Luke’s Auxiliary Thrift Shop
Find free clothing, back to school supplies, diapers, kitchen supplies and other household goods in New Haven County Connecticut. Families of all income levels and backgrounds shop at the local thrift stores or get free items. The clothing closets may provide free items, including school supplies or regular clothes, to those that meet low income levels.
Open on Thursdays 10 AM to 11:30 AM
Address: 111 Whalley Avenue, New Haven CT
- Phone
- (203) 865-0141
Digital Inclusion
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Concepts for Adaptive Learning (CfAL)
- Phone
- (475) 285-6500
- Website
- https://www.cfalct.org/
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Liberty Community Services
Liberty provides services and programs designed to end homelessness include such as eviction prevention, security deposit, case management services, and employment services.
For more information on Liberty Community Service’s partnership with NHFPL, check out our Meet With A Social Worker page.
- Phone
- (203) 495-7600
- Website
- https://www.libertycs.org/
New Haven Works
New Haven Works seeks to build a middle class in an urban center and improve economic stability in all communities by providing employers with a trained and qualified workforce and connecting New Haven residents to good jobs.
- Phone
- (203) 562-9000
- Website
- http://newhavenworkspipeline.org/
Project Fresh Start
The mission of the City of New Haven Prison Reentry Department is to reduce recidivism by collaborating with community partners, state agencies, and other reentry stakeholders. We seek to create a citywide, strategic, and systematic delivery of resources that leads to reduced recidivism through increased employment and housing opportunities, access to continued education and the long-term self-sufficiency of returning residents.
- Phone
- (203) 946-7846
- Website
- https://www.newhavenct.gov/gov/depts/fresh_start/default.htm
State Dept. of Labor
The Department is committed to protecting and promoting the interests of Connecticut workers. In order to accomplish this in an ever-changing environment, we assist workers and employers to become competitive in the global economy. We take a comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of workers and employers, and the other agencies that serve them. We ensure the supply of high-quality integrated services that serve the needs of our customers. For information on filing for unemployment click here.
- Phone
- (203) 941-6868 | 1 (860) 967-0493 | 1 (800) 956-3294 | TTY 711 or (800) 842-9710
- Website
- http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/
Workforce Alliance & American Job Center
Employment and Training for South Central Connecticut. Provides Online workshops, Job Postings and Events, Job Training Assistance and Business Services such as Workforce Recruitment and Training.
- Phone
- (203) 867-4030
- Website
- https://www.workforcealliance.biz/
Financial Help
Assisted Living in Connecticut
Maintained by AssistedLiving.org which compiles directories and data nationwide and at the state level for those needing information about facilities, advocacy, insurance, financial assistance and more related to assisted living options and topics throughout Connecticut.
- Phone
- 1 (855) 221-9611
- Website
- https://www.assistedliving.org/connecticut/
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Liberty Community Services
Liberty provides services and programs designed to end homelessness include such as eviction prevention, security deposit, case management services, and employment services.
For more information on Liberty Community Service’s partnership with NHFPL, check out our Meet With A Social Worker page.
- Phone
- (203) 495-7600
- Website
- https://www.libertycs.org/
Christian Community Action Hillside Family Center
CLASS Hillside Family Shelter provides temporary emergency housing (30-60 days) to families (at least one adult and one child) who are homeless or poor. Other services include: case management, food pantry, daycare through LULAC Headstart, and referrals to resources
- Phone
- (203) 777-7848
- Website
- https://www.ccahelping.org/
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen
DESK serves people who are experiencing homelessness or living in poverty by providing food assistance and services that promote health, community, and equity. Their programs are generally geared toward individuals and families with children who are experiencing food insecurity.
- Phone
- (203) 624-6426
- Website
- https://www.deskct.org/
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Get Connected New Haven–Food Resource Guide
This PDF document lists contact info. for local organizations offering food assistance in New Haven.
Homeless Shelters Directory – New Haven
Homeless Shelter Directory is not associated with any government agency.
This website is updated and maintained by users like you who help improve the quality of online resources for the homeless and needy.
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Life Haven Shelter for Women
Located at 447 Ferry St., Life Haven Shelter is a part of New Reach, Inc. Life Haven accepts families with a female head of household and women who are 8 months pregnant. If you are in need of shelter, please contact 211.
Life Haven is a not-for-profit organization, offering emergency shelter for homeless pregnant women and women with young children. Residents receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day. The menus are planned monthly to include a wide variety of healthy foods. Staff also plan seasonal menus and special dinners.
- Phone
- 203 776-6208
- Website
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/cgi-bin/id/shelter.cgi?shelter=7702
Loaves & Fishes
Loaves and Fishes is a gathering place centered around community, offering food and clothing.
- Phone
- (203) 562-2691
- Website
- https://loavesandfishesnh.com/
Martha’s Place
Located at 559 Howard Ave., Martha’s Place is a part of New Reach, Inc. Martha’s Place accepts single women and families with a female head of household. If you are in need of shelter, please contact 211.
- Phone
- 203-624-5798
- Website
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/shelter/ct_marthas-place
Women of the Village Food Pantry
Walk-in Food pantry during open hours.
Available: Tuesdays 1 PM to 2 PM
Address: 26 Charles Street, New Haven CT
Please Note: Due to COVID-19, bags are pre-made and distributed every Tuesday from 1-2pm and the regular monthly food pantry has been put on hold. Pantry is located at the New Haven Police Department Substation.
Assisted Living in Connecticut
Maintained by AssistedLiving.org which compiles directories and data nationwide and at the state level for those needing information about facilities, advocacy, insurance, financial assistance and more related to assisted living options and topics throughout Connecticut.
- Phone
- 1 (855) 221-9611
- Website
- https://www.assistedliving.org/connecticut/
Christian Community Action Hillside Family Center
CLASS Hillside Family Shelter provides temporary emergency housing (30-60 days) to families (at least one adult and one child) who are homeless or poor. Other services include: case management, food pantry, daycare through LULAC Headstart, and referrals to resources
- Phone
- (203) 777-7848
- Website
- https://www.ccahelping.org/
City of New Haven Welcome Page
The City of New Haven is proud to be a welcoming city to all who come here.
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Columbus House
Columbus House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been providing solutions to homelessness since 1982. Throughout the years, Columbus House has expanded its mission and programs to include not only emergency shelter but a continuum of housing and services designed to help people who are homeless move toward independence. The agency’s primary goal is to provide housing either through our own programs or through referrals throughout Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven, and New London counties to service-enriched or independent housing.
Seasonal Warming Centers
Columbus House serves people experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk by providing life-saving outreach, shelter and housing, and by fostering their personal growth and independence. We advocate for and create affordable housing to end homelessness in our communities.
Recovery House
A short-term program for 17 men (including 7 Veterans) who are awaiting placement in sober housing, treatment programs, or permanent housing with out-patient treatment support.
Medical Respite Program
This innovative program provides recuperative care to those who are homeless and exiting the hospital. In addition, the program lowers public healthcare costs by reducing unnecessary hospitalizations. Based out of our New Haven Shelter, referrals come directly from Yale New-Haven Hospital and the VA Hospital in West Haven. The 12-bed program includes 24-hour supervision, referrals to healthcare providers, transportation, and case management.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/
Columbus House Overflow Shelter
Columbus House provides shelter for women, men, Veterans, and families. Shelter services include case management, referrals to mental health and substance abuse treatment programs, employment training programs, education, health services, and links to housing.
New Haven Shelter
Located in the Hill neighborhood of New Haven, the shelter provides beds, meals, and case management for 81 adult men and women nightly.
Men’s Seasonal Overflow Shelter
Located in New Haven, provides seasonal shelter for an additional 75 men from November through April.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/programs/shelter-services/
Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
The Connecticut Addiction Services website was developed to help people in Connecticut get timely access to detox, residential addiction treatment and recovery house beds. The site is funded and and maintained by the Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS).The information on this site is updated daily in an effort to keep the public informed on the availability of DMHAS funded treatment facilities. - Phone
- 800-563-4086
- Website
- https://www.ctaddictionservices.com/
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Homeless Shelters Directory – New Haven
Homeless Shelter Directory is not associated with any government agency.
This website is updated and maintained by users like you who help improve the quality of online resources for the homeless and needy.
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Liberty Community Services
Liberty provides services and programs designed to end homelessness include such as eviction prevention, security deposit, case management services, and employment services.
For more information on Liberty Community Service’s partnership with NHFPL, check out our Meet With A Social Worker page.
- Phone
- (203) 495-7600
- Website
- https://www.libertycs.org/
Life Haven Shelter for Women
Located at 447 Ferry St., Life Haven Shelter is a part of New Reach, Inc. Life Haven accepts families with a female head of household and women who are 8 months pregnant. If you are in need of shelter, please contact 211.
Life Haven is a not-for-profit organization, offering emergency shelter for homeless pregnant women and women with young children. Residents receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day. The menus are planned monthly to include a wide variety of healthy foods. Staff also plan seasonal menus and special dinners.
- Phone
- 203 776-6208
- Website
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/cgi-bin/id/shelter.cgi?shelter=7702
Martha’s Place
Located at 559 Howard Ave., Martha’s Place is a part of New Reach, Inc. Martha’s Place accepts single women and families with a female head of household. If you are in need of shelter, please contact 211.
- Phone
- 203-624-5798
- Website
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/shelter/ct_marthas-place
Office of Housing & Homeless Services
Through the Office of Housing & Homelessness Services, the City of New Haven provides a safety net of support and services for the City’s most fragile and vulnerable citizens- homeless singles and families. The goals of this office are to deliver an integrated service delivery system, and to improve quality assurance and evaluation systems for emergency shelter providers and other organizations supporting this City’s efforts to eliminate homelessness.
- Phone
- (203) 946-6033
- Website
- https://www.newhavenct.gov/gov/depts/homelessness/default.htm
City of New Haven Welcome Page
The City of New Haven is proud to be a welcoming city to all who come here.
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Lawyer Referral Service
The New Haven County Bar Association provides free 30 minute consultations with clients. Referrals will also be made for a small (or waived) fee. They also offer information clinics to educate the public about general legal information.
- Phone
- (203) 562-5750
- Website
- https://newhavenbar.community.lawyer/
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Concepts for Adaptive Learning (CfAL)
- Phone
- (475) 285-6500
- Website
- https://www.cfalct.org/
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven
Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven (LVGNH) provides free tutoring to help adults improve speaking, reading and writing English. Volunteers tutor these adult students year-round in locations where they live and work.
- Phone
- 203-776-5899
- Website
- https://lvagnh.org/
New Haven Reads
New Haven Reads, founded to “share the joy and power of reading,” increases the literacy skills of children to empower their academic success by providing individually tailored one-on-one after-school tutoring, educational family support, and a community book bank, all at no cost to participants. To donate books to New Haven Reads click here. To pick up and request books click here.
- Phone
- (203) 752-1923
- Website
- https://newhavenreads.org/
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Clifford Beers Community Care Center
Clifford Beers is a nationally recognized provider of trauma-informed mental health care for children, adolescents, and adults. We serve as the safety net for children and families in the greater New Haven area who cannot afford or gain access to private mental health care. Our whole-family, trauma-informed, integrated model of care is designed to reduce chronic stress and build healthy and supportive connections.
We provide a safe and welcoming environment for every individual regardless of race, gender, language, sexual identity, disability, or documentation status. We help children recover from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as traumatic loss, sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, parental incarceration, and witnessing community violence. Our services provide support across the lifespan of a child and youth, from birth through age 19 and their families, and are tailored to address each individual’s unique needs.
We accept Medicaid (HUSKY) as well as several commercial health insurance providers.
Our dedicated team of child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, clinicians, and support staff understand that every person is unique, of value, and requires compassionate and individualized care. Our broad range of services are designed to decrease symptoms, build social skills, and increase overall functioning. We consider our clients’ individual needs as well as the circumstances and well-being of the whole family. Services include:
- Autism / IDD / DD
- Care Coordination
- Child First
- Project CATCH
- Community Support for Families (CSF)
- Community Healing Support Team (CHST)
- Fatherhood Engagement Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (MCIS)
- Outpatient Services (Individual, Family, and Group Therapy)
- Psychiatry
- SAFE Family Recovery
- School-Based Services
- Psychological Testing and Assessment Services
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 8 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pmContact Us
Clifford Beers
93 Edwards Street
New Haven, CT 06511Main Office
(203) 772-1270
(203) 772-0051 (fax)Outpatient Clinics
93 Edwards Street, New Haven, CT
1575 Boston Post Road, Building B, Unit C, Guilford, CT- Phone
- (203) 772-1270
- Website
- https://cliffordbeersccc.org/appointments/
Columbus House
Columbus House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been providing solutions to homelessness since 1982. Throughout the years, Columbus House has expanded its mission and programs to include not only emergency shelter but a continuum of housing and services designed to help people who are homeless move toward independence. The agency’s primary goal is to provide housing either through our own programs or through referrals throughout Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven, and New London counties to service-enriched or independent housing.
Seasonal Warming Centers
Columbus House serves people experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk by providing life-saving outreach, shelter and housing, and by fostering their personal growth and independence. We advocate for and create affordable housing to end homelessness in our communities.
Recovery House
A short-term program for 17 men (including 7 Veterans) who are awaiting placement in sober housing, treatment programs, or permanent housing with out-patient treatment support.
Medical Respite Program
This innovative program provides recuperative care to those who are homeless and exiting the hospital. In addition, the program lowers public healthcare costs by reducing unnecessary hospitalizations. Based out of our New Haven Shelter, referrals come directly from Yale New-Haven Hospital and the VA Hospital in West Haven. The 12-bed program includes 24-hour supervision, referrals to healthcare providers, transportation, and case management.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/
Columbus House Overflow Shelter
Columbus House provides shelter for women, men, Veterans, and families. Shelter services include case management, referrals to mental health and substance abuse treatment programs, employment training programs, education, health services, and links to housing.
New Haven Shelter
Located in the Hill neighborhood of New Haven, the shelter provides beds, meals, and case management for 81 adult men and women nightly.
Men’s Seasonal Overflow Shelter
Located in New Haven, provides seasonal shelter for an additional 75 men from November through April.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/programs/shelter-services/
Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
The Connecticut Addiction Services website was developed to help people in Connecticut get timely access to detox, residential addiction treatment and recovery house beds. The site is funded and and maintained by the Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS).The information on this site is updated daily in an effort to keep the public informed on the availability of DMHAS funded treatment facilities. - Phone
- 800-563-4086
- Website
- https://www.ctaddictionservices.com/
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center provides access to excellent and affordable healthcare to every member of our community. They offer the following services:
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health
- Dental
- Healthcare for the Homeless
- Blood Draw
- Pediatrics & Early Childhood
- Pharmacy
- Specialty Services
- Walk-in/Convenient Care
- Wellness
- Women’s Health
- Internal Medicine
To book an appointment or for more information about services, staff and locations, call (203)-503-3000.
- Phone
- (203) 503-3000
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center South Central Rehabilitation Center (SCRC)
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center’s SCRC offers medically monitored withdrawal management. This service is not free, but might be covered under insurance depending on your coverage. For real-time updates on available beds, please click here to check this facility on the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services website.
his facility is located at:
232 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT 06519
(203) 503-3300
232 Cedar St, New Haven, CT 06519
Business Hours:
Mon – Sun5:30 am – 7:00 pm
- Phone
- (203) 503-3300
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/232-cedar-street
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Yale New Haven Hospital-YNHH
Address: 20 York Street, New Haven, CT 06510
- Phone
- 203-688-4242
- Website
- https://www.ynhh.org/
YNHH-Saint Raphael Campus
Address: 1450 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT 06511
- Phone
- (203) 789-3000
- Website
- https://www.ynhh.org/locations/new-haven-1450-chapel-street.aspx
Mental Health
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
The Connecticut Addiction Services website was developed to help people in Connecticut get timely access to detox, residential addiction treatment and recovery house beds. The site is funded and and maintained by the Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS).The information on this site is updated daily in an effort to keep the public informed on the availability of DMHAS funded treatment facilities. - Phone
- 800-563-4086
- Website
- https://www.ctaddictionservices.com/
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center provides access to excellent and affordable healthcare to every member of our community. They offer the following services:
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health
- Dental
- Healthcare for the Homeless
- Blood Draw
- Pediatrics & Early Childhood
- Pharmacy
- Specialty Services
- Walk-in/Convenient Care
- Wellness
- Women’s Health
- Internal Medicine
To book an appointment or for more information about services, staff and locations, call (203)-503-3000.
- Phone
- (203) 503-3000
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center South Central Rehabilitation Center (SCRC)
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center’s SCRC offers medically monitored withdrawal management. This service is not free, but might be covered under insurance depending on your coverage. For real-time updates on available beds, please click here to check this facility on the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services website.
his facility is located at:
232 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT 06519
(203) 503-3300
232 Cedar St, New Haven, CT 06519
Business Hours:
Mon – Sun5:30 am – 7:00 pm
- Phone
- (203) 503-3300
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/232-cedar-street
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Newcomers to New Haven
City of New Haven Welcome Page
The City of New Haven is proud to be a welcoming city to all who come here.
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Refugees or Immigrants
City of New Haven Welcome Page
The City of New Haven is proud to be a welcoming city to all who come here.
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
IRIS provides services to refugee families, including satisfying basic needs (shelter, etc.), case management, legal services, education & youth services, and English instruction. IRIS provides targeted wrap-around services for all clients, using a strength-based assessment model, that offers long-term support for successful integration.
New Haven Office
235 Nicoll Street,
New Haven, CT 06511Email: info@irisct.org
Phone: 203.562.2095- Phone
- (203) 562-2095
- Website
- https://irisct.org/
Senior Services
Assisted Living in Connecticut
Maintained by AssistedLiving.org which compiles directories and data nationwide and at the state level for those needing information about facilities, advocacy, insurance, financial assistance and more related to assisted living options and topics throughout Connecticut.
- Phone
- 1 (855) 221-9611
- Website
- https://www.assistedliving.org/connecticut/
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Clifford Beers Community Care Center
Clifford Beers is a nationally recognized provider of trauma-informed mental health care for children, adolescents, and adults. We serve as the safety net for children and families in the greater New Haven area who cannot afford or gain access to private mental health care. Our whole-family, trauma-informed, integrated model of care is designed to reduce chronic stress and build healthy and supportive connections.
We provide a safe and welcoming environment for every individual regardless of race, gender, language, sexual identity, disability, or documentation status. We help children recover from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as traumatic loss, sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, parental incarceration, and witnessing community violence. Our services provide support across the lifespan of a child and youth, from birth through age 19 and their families, and are tailored to address each individual’s unique needs.
We accept Medicaid (HUSKY) as well as several commercial health insurance providers.
Our dedicated team of child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, clinicians, and support staff understand that every person is unique, of value, and requires compassionate and individualized care. Our broad range of services are designed to decrease symptoms, build social skills, and increase overall functioning. We consider our clients’ individual needs as well as the circumstances and well-being of the whole family. Services include:
- Autism / IDD / DD
- Care Coordination
- Child First
- Project CATCH
- Community Support for Families (CSF)
- Community Healing Support Team (CHST)
- Fatherhood Engagement Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (MCIS)
- Outpatient Services (Individual, Family, and Group Therapy)
- Psychiatry
- SAFE Family Recovery
- School-Based Services
- Psychological Testing and Assessment Services
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 8 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pmContact Us
Clifford Beers
93 Edwards Street
New Haven, CT 06511Main Office
(203) 772-1270
(203) 772-0051 (fax)Outpatient Clinics
93 Edwards Street, New Haven, CT
1575 Boston Post Road, Building B, Unit C, Guilford, CT- Phone
- (203) 772-1270
- Website
- https://cliffordbeersccc.org/appointments/
Community Action Agency
Community Action Agency of New Haven provides case management services as well as other direct services, including but not limited to: energy and weatherization assistance, emergency services, and mature adult services to low income families.
419 Whalley Ave, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Main Line: (203) 387-7700
Energy Appointments: (203) 285-8018
Fax: (203) 397-7475
outreach@caanh.net- Phone
- (203) 387-7700
- Website
- https://www.caanh.net/
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center provides access to excellent and affordable healthcare to every member of our community. They offer the following services:
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health
- Dental
- Healthcare for the Homeless
- Blood Draw
- Pediatrics & Early Childhood
- Pharmacy
- Specialty Services
- Walk-in/Convenient Care
- Wellness
- Women’s Health
- Internal Medicine
To book an appointment or for more information about services, staff and locations, call (203)-503-3000.
- Phone
- (203) 503-3000
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Social Services
Alcoholics Anonymous of CT
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
If you think you may be an alcoholic or you have a desire to stop drinking, we urge you to learn more about AA The best way to learn more is to attend an AA meeting. There are hundreds of AA meetings in Connecticut everyday, meeting at almost any time of day. Click here to find a meeting near you.
AA meetings are designated as either “open” or “closed.” Every meeting will have either an “O” for open or a “C” for closed next to it in the meeting listing. Anyone may attend an open meeting, whether or not he or she identifies as an alcoholic. We encourage anyone who wishes to learn more about AA to attend an open meeting. Closed meetings are limited to people with a desire to stop drinking. If you have a desire to stop drinking, you are welcome at any closed meeting of AA.
- Phone
- 1-866-783-7712
- Website
- https://ct-aa.org/
Assisted Living in Connecticut
Maintained by AssistedLiving.org which compiles directories and data nationwide and at the state level for those needing information about facilities, advocacy, insurance, financial assistance and more related to assisted living options and topics throughout Connecticut.
- Phone
- 1 (855) 221-9611
- Website
- https://www.assistedliving.org/connecticut/
Christian Community Action Hillside Family Center
CLASS Hillside Family Shelter provides temporary emergency housing (30-60 days) to families (at least one adult and one child) who are homeless or poor. Other services include: case management, food pantry, daycare through LULAC Headstart, and referrals to resources
- Phone
- (203) 777-7848
- Website
- https://www.ccahelping.org/
City of New Haven Welcome Page
The City of New Haven is proud to be a welcoming city to all who come here.
Clifford Beers – Reach Out CT Helpline
Monday -Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm
Reach Out CT is now available for the entire state of Connecticut, seven days a week. Regardless of where you are, you can call if you need help.
What is Reach Out CT?
Reach Out CT is a support line you can call that will direct you to the resources or services you need. When you call Reach Out Connecticut at 1-844-TALK-4CT you will be answered by a trained professional.
This helpline is available Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 7:00pm, Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday – Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm.
- Phone
- 1-844-TALK-4CT or text "CTTALK" to 30241
- Website
- https://www.cliffordbeers.org/reach-out-connecticut
Clifford Beers Community Care Center
Clifford Beers is a nationally recognized provider of trauma-informed mental health care for children, adolescents, and adults. We serve as the safety net for children and families in the greater New Haven area who cannot afford or gain access to private mental health care. Our whole-family, trauma-informed, integrated model of care is designed to reduce chronic stress and build healthy and supportive connections.
We provide a safe and welcoming environment for every individual regardless of race, gender, language, sexual identity, disability, or documentation status. We help children recover from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as traumatic loss, sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, parental incarceration, and witnessing community violence. Our services provide support across the lifespan of a child and youth, from birth through age 19 and their families, and are tailored to address each individual’s unique needs.
We accept Medicaid (HUSKY) as well as several commercial health insurance providers.
Our dedicated team of child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, clinicians, and support staff understand that every person is unique, of value, and requires compassionate and individualized care. Our broad range of services are designed to decrease symptoms, build social skills, and increase overall functioning. We consider our clients’ individual needs as well as the circumstances and well-being of the whole family. Services include:
- Autism / IDD / DD
- Care Coordination
- Child First
- Project CATCH
- Community Support for Families (CSF)
- Community Healing Support Team (CHST)
- Fatherhood Engagement Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (MCIS)
- Outpatient Services (Individual, Family, and Group Therapy)
- Psychiatry
- SAFE Family Recovery
- School-Based Services
- Psychological Testing and Assessment Services
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 8 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pmContact Us
Clifford Beers
93 Edwards Street
New Haven, CT 06511Main Office
(203) 772-1270
(203) 772-0051 (fax)Outpatient Clinics
93 Edwards Street, New Haven, CT
1575 Boston Post Road, Building B, Unit C, Guilford, CT- Phone
- (203) 772-1270
- Website
- https://cliffordbeersccc.org/appointments/
Columbus House
Columbus House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been providing solutions to homelessness since 1982. Throughout the years, Columbus House has expanded its mission and programs to include not only emergency shelter but a continuum of housing and services designed to help people who are homeless move toward independence. The agency’s primary goal is to provide housing either through our own programs or through referrals throughout Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven, and New London counties to service-enriched or independent housing.
Seasonal Warming Centers
Columbus House serves people experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk by providing life-saving outreach, shelter and housing, and by fostering their personal growth and independence. We advocate for and create affordable housing to end homelessness in our communities.
Recovery House
A short-term program for 17 men (including 7 Veterans) who are awaiting placement in sober housing, treatment programs, or permanent housing with out-patient treatment support.
Medical Respite Program
This innovative program provides recuperative care to those who are homeless and exiting the hospital. In addition, the program lowers public healthcare costs by reducing unnecessary hospitalizations. Based out of our New Haven Shelter, referrals come directly from Yale New-Haven Hospital and the VA Hospital in West Haven. The 12-bed program includes 24-hour supervision, referrals to healthcare providers, transportation, and case management.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/
Columbus House Overflow Shelter
Columbus House provides shelter for women, men, Veterans, and families. Shelter services include case management, referrals to mental health and substance abuse treatment programs, employment training programs, education, health services, and links to housing.
New Haven Shelter
Located in the Hill neighborhood of New Haven, the shelter provides beds, meals, and case management for 81 adult men and women nightly.
Men’s Seasonal Overflow Shelter
Located in New Haven, provides seasonal shelter for an additional 75 men from November through April.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4400
- Website
- https://www.columbushouse.org/programs/shelter-services/
Community Action Agency
Community Action Agency of New Haven provides case management services as well as other direct services, including but not limited to: energy and weatherization assistance, emergency services, and mature adult services to low income families.
419 Whalley Ave, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Main Line: (203) 387-7700
Energy Appointments: (203) 285-8018
Fax: (203) 397-7475
outreach@caanh.net- Phone
- (203) 387-7700
- Website
- https://www.caanh.net/
Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
The Connecticut Addiction Services website was developed to help people in Connecticut get timely access to detox, residential addiction treatment and recovery house beds. The site is funded and and maintained by the Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS).The information on this site is updated daily in an effort to keep the public informed on the availability of DMHAS funded treatment facilities. - Phone
- 800-563-4086
- Website
- https://www.ctaddictionservices.com/
Connecticut Region of Narcotics Anonymous
N.A. is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. The most important thing about them is that they work. We have learned from our group experience that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean.
A printable meeting list for the New Haven area is available here.
- Phone
- 1-800-627-3543
- Website
- https://ctna.org/
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center
Cornell Scott Hill Health Center provides access to excellent and affordable healthcare to every member of our community. They offer the following services:
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health
- Dental
- Healthcare for the Homeless
- Blood Draw
- Pediatrics & Early Childhood
- Pharmacy
- Specialty Services
- Walk-in/Convenient Care
- Wellness
- Women’s Health
- Internal Medicine
To book an appointment or for more information about services, staff and locations, call (203)-503-3000.
- Phone
- (203) 503-3000
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center South Central Rehabilitation Center (SCRC)
Cornell-Scott Hill Health Center’s SCRC offers medically monitored withdrawal management. This service is not free, but might be covered under insurance depending on your coverage. For real-time updates on available beds, please click here to check this facility on the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services website.
his facility is located at:
232 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT 06519
(203) 503-3300
232 Cedar St, New Haven, CT 06519
Business Hours:
Mon – Sun5:30 am – 7:00 pm
- Phone
- (203) 503-3300
- Website
- https://www.cornellscott.org/232-cedar-street
Fellowship Place
Fellowship Place provides a broad range of support services for adults with mental illness in the Greater New Haven area. More than 800 people a year are served in a safe, caring community, open 365 days a year.
Fellowship Place offers an eclectic group of programs and services that emphasize wellness, creative expression, giving back to the community, and the importance of social relationships.
- Phone
- (203) 401-4227
- Website
- https://fellowshipplace.org/
Get Connected New Haven
Welcome to Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!
Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. The site has been created to enhance knowledge of and empower broader access to the wide array of programs and services available in New Haven. The site is also a tool that service providers can use to assist clients with referrals to needed supports, thereby encouraging collaboration and cooperation among organizations that serve those in need in our community.
- Phone
- 211
- Website
- http://getconnectednewhaven.com
Liberty Community Services
Liberty provides services and programs designed to end homelessness include such as eviction prevention, security deposit, case management services, and employment services.
For more information on Liberty Community Service’s partnership with NHFPL, check out our Meet With A Social Worker page.
- Phone
- (203) 495-7600
- Website
- https://www.libertycs.org/
New Haven Pride Center
The purpose of New Haven Pride Center, formerly the New Haven Gay and Lesbian Community Center, is to provide educational, cultural and social enrichment for the LGBTQ+ community, its allies, and members, to make a positive contribution to the entire community of Greater New Haven.
- Phone
- (203) 387-2252
- Website
- https://www.newhavenpridecenter.org/
Taking Initiative Center (TIC)
The Taking Initiative Center is an inter-agency collaborative with Goodwill of Southern New England and the APT Foundation that provides engagement opportunities for individuals who are in the “pre-contemplative” stage of addiction. The center offers meals, access to an off-site shower and laundry facilities, meditation and recovery groups and assistance with or referral to employment services, education, social services, treatment, and medical consultation. The aim of the program is to engage, motivate and support those served so that they can adopt a healthy daily routine, gain employment, and reconnect with lost relationships and opportunities. This program is funded by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Eligibility: Individuals interested in services must be residing in New Haven, are currently not actively involved in the service system or in treatment, and who have not had success with previous recovery strategies. Once engaged, individuals will be screened for DMHAS eligibility.
- Phone
- (203) 389-2970
- Website
- https://www.marrakechinc.org/taking-initiative-center/
United Way 211
2-1-1 is a free, confidential information and referral service that connects people to essential health and human services 24 hours a day, seven days a week online and over the phone.
2-1-1 is fully certified in crisis intervention by the American Association of Suicidology and is certified by The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS). AIRS is the professional association for over 1,200 community Information and Referral (I&R) providers.
211 can help with Food Assistance, Mental Health, Health Care, Housing, Substance Use, Transportation, Utility Assistance, Income, Children & Families, Crisis Help, Basic Needs, Legal Assistance, Re-entry assistance and Elderly Services
Chat services are available online
2-1-1 Navigator: The 2-1-1 Navigator Benefits Screener is an interactive interview that allows 2-1-1 CT to generate a list of some state and federal programs that may be able to help you. Click Here.
- Phone
- 211 | 1 (800) 203-1234 | TTY: 1 (800) 671-0737
- Website
- https://www.211ct.org/